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JellyCubes Advanced Weapons R&D - Weapons and Other Miscellanea


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its still beter than norton tho. nortan doesn\'t pick up any viruses, and it eats up your cpu.

End of this discussion here, please. I\'ll start a Anti-virus software discussion thread in off-topic if one does not exist.

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Where Do I place the folders?

The way installation works for ANY mod or plugin is:

Drag part folders into the Parts folder which is in the KSP_win folder.

Drag plugin files(Not source code, incase you downloaded that) into the plugin folder which is in the KSP_win folder.

Hope this helps.

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Any updates on this affair?

Or maybe just someone who can explain to me how to build a rocket that won\'t either make a nose dive or try to hit the sky?

try to keep the center of mass in the center of your rocket, and have control surfaces at the bottom, and rcs units at the bottom and top

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You should have 2 folders in parts that start with JAWRD_RailgunProjectile.

If you have them, they should be directly before the railgun in the parts list (structural AFAIK), one is green, the other one white.

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