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Where Have You Seen Awesome Lately?


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I just want to know where you people have seen yourselves, or other people being awesome.

What I mean by awesome in this case is anything that a person does to better themselves or others in a way that isn't selfish, like the child you know who works steadily towards changing their failing grade to a passing grade, or the person who outright tells somebody else that they are a great person, even if they don't know them personally. Other people tend to feel better when they see good done in the world, and if this person saw that you told other people around the world about something great they had done (Without using their personal information), would it not most likely make them feel a little better?

It could even be something you yourself did. Its good to talk about how you helped somebody else, and it normally makes others feel better to see good being done. If you don't know of anything you or other people have done that fits this, go and do something and tell us about it. Its never a bad idea to tell somebody they make the world a better place, by doing or by example, and its normally easiest to start by doing exactly that.

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Just little side note, nothing that you should worry about too much:

There is nothing like a nonselfish deed. Human being will never do anything what will not give them chance to gain something, or chance to lower probability of loosing something.

The desired gain my differ from person to person, someone wants money, someone wants fame, for someone a little increase of their serotonin, endorfin or adrenalin level is enough.

Same applies for fear of loss. Most people will rather risk theyr life, than deal with theyr conscience.

Edited by KOCOUR
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The TA that helps out in our form room.

That man has the patience of a saint. I know he helps out with a few bottom set classes, apparently no learning happens there.

How he hasn't been turned into a broken, glue sniffing wreck is beyond me.

I salute you, Johnathan Martin.

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Last week I got up and... Moved to Canada!finally, I left the shame-sullen squalor of inefficient brazilian living and became part of the REAL world! - feels great!! that was an uber-major life goal I had set myself - complete!! I feel more free today than back when I got my first car! albeit now a pedestrian. - This is a move as awesome as I've ever done!

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