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Kerbal Card Game - TO SPACE!

The Error

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So perusing the forums, I've seen a few others creating card/board/computer games for the Kerbals. Why not go full-on and create a card game with rules, cards, and Jeb's epic winning streak?

I'm doodling with paint trying to come up with sufficiently Kerbal-ish cards. If you'd like to generate some rules (along with a basic premise for the game), go ahead. If you have some Kerbish cards to display, also do so!

I figure we can actually make a real game that's actually playable. Hopefully original(ish).


After a suggestion (seen below), there's basic system in place:

The point of the game is to get as many "Success" cards on the table as possible.

Every success grants one point. However, Successes require several things. This game is all about pre-requisites:

--The Cards--

R1 - Fuel, Parts, and Crew: Combine these 3 to place a Launch card.

R2 - Launch, Orbital Maneuvers and Transfer: Combine these three to add one Success.

R3 - Success: Grants 1 point to the player placing it.

Troubles: Cancels out 1 of your opponent's cards. Can only be used on Launch, Orbital Maneuvers or Transfers.

--Method of Play--

Starting the game, each player gets 7 random R1, a set of R2, and 4 Success cards.

Cards can be traded with other players. Especially useful for R1 & Transfer cards.

Troubles are applied immediately after your opponent places their R2 card(s).

The first person to get all 4 R3 cards placed wins.


Wagers can be added (normally in the form of video games or extra snacks) fairly simply. Every time a player places a Launch or a Transfer, they can add at least 1 item to the wager pool. The person who wins the game gets the entire wager pool. Don't go all in too soon.

I have no (physical) cards designed yet, but if you want to make some, go right ahead!

Have fun!

Edited by The Error
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something like this

===Card types===





Lucy Breaks


ship needs pod, pilot, engines, fuel(possibly others, a science mission might need a cargo bay and a science package)

stats are lift, weight, fuel and control

cards cost certain resources to play,

You can have any number of missions.

Missions are worth a certian amount of points based on difficulty.

Difficulty is determined by how many of each resouce is needed, and how many turns it will take.(maybe 1 turn to get into orbit, 3 to get to mun, ect.)

Lift(- weight), Fuel and control.

Troubles are what you play on other players. Things like, "guidence malfunction, shuttle crashes if pilots have less than 4 control."

Lucky breaks are oposite "press the big red button, gain 2 control for 3 turns"

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