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The Warhammer 40,000 / (Fantasy) discussion thread.


Which faction do you own  

  1. 1. Which faction do you own

    • Space Marines (Includes Grey Knights and non-Codex Astartes compliant chapters)
    • Imperial Guard/Inquisition (Daemon Hunters/Sisters of Battle)
    • Adeptus Mechanicus
    • Eldar
    • Dark Eldar
    • Tyranids
    • Orks
    • Necrons
    • Tau Empire
    • Chaos (Chaos Legions/Chaos Daemons)

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  Seret said:
Ever heard the phrase "never bring a knife to a gun fight"? Seriously though, somebody with a knife can be dangerous at short range. The police teach their officers that anybody within about 8m could get to them before they've drawn and aimed their weapon. Historically the bayonet existed because rifles were slow to reload between shots and it prevented the soldier from being defenceless in the meantime. These days that's not such an issue. Nobody is trying to defend themselves with a matchlock or a bolt-action.

I was, not any more. I was an armourer.

A rifle is going to be fine in most situations, however it's those few times a blade is going to be better that concern me.

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  Brethern said:
A rifle is going to be fine in most situations, however it's those few times a blade is going to be better that concern me.

Sure, there's no reason to not carry a knife. They aren't heavy and they're useful for a million things besides hurting people. But you're about 500 years too late for them to see a lot of use for fighting.

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Knife or dagger would be good at lot of things. You can slice a bread or piece of meat with it, you can sharpen a stick to put a piece of meat on it and then bake it on fire, you can use it to silently kill an unaware enemy from behind, and it is easily concielable and lightweight. Sword, battleaxe or warhammer would be useless in any kind of combat where any kind of more advanced weaponry is used. Theese things are big and heavy.

Also Sword was rarely used as an main weapon in its own time.

Main weapons was Axe, poleaxe, spear, or hammer. Oh and forget about those big hammers used in games and movies, medieval warhammer looks like this: 2FjcO3gs.jpg

and types of warhammers are shown here: vIu707cs.jpg

Edit: For bigger pics look here: http://kocour.imgur.com/all/

Edited by KOCOUR
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  • 2 weeks later...

Tau Empire and Lizardmen. :D

Though I was really disappointed that the 2013 Tau codex didn't have some more alien allies and Gue'vesa troops. :(

As for the discussion above, most rifles these days are easy to use in combat. I've used the SA-80 and it is very compact and so is excellent close up. Then again you can still stick a huge knife to the front of it. :P

Don't really do warhammer anymore cause of the price. :(

Edited by Comrade Jenkens
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I don't do it that much any more. It's a big timesink and I don't like dropping the cash, but when I did play I formed an opinion that I want to put out here...

I felt that the Tau were seriously overpowered. Their infantry are decent, they have plenty of units, but the battle suits... yeesh. For nearly a third the cost of a Tyranid warrior my friend could field something with twice the weaponry and armor. Not only that, but the ability to deploy them three turns in right next to your Tyrant with a Melta made me ragequit more than once.

What do you guys think of the Tau battlesuits? I think they're seriously overpowered; they cost too little and have too many weapons.

Or is it just that Tyranids are underpowered?

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  Wait, Was That Important? said:

I don't do it that much any more. It's a big timesink and I don't like dropping the cash, but when I did play I formed an opinion that I want to put out here...

I felt that the Tau were seriously overpowered. Their infantry are decent, they have plenty of units, but the battle suits... yeesh. For nearly a third the cost of a Tyranid warrior my friend could field something with twice the weaponry and armor. Not only that, but the ability to deploy them three turns in right next to your Tyrant with a Melta made me ragequit more than once.

What do you guys think of the Tau battlesuits? I think they're seriously overpowered; they cost too little and have too many weapons.

Or is it just that Tyranids are underpowered?

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  Comrade Jenkens said:
Tau Empire and Lizardmen. :D

Though I was really disappointed that the 2013 Tau codex didn't have some more alien allies and Gue'vesa troops. :(

As for the discussion above, most rifles these days are easy to use in combat. I've used the SA-80 and it is very compact and so is excellent close up. Then again you can still stick a huge knife to the front of it. :P

Don't really do warhammer anymore cause of the price. :(

really I wish that they would just have not updated the tau dex. We were are a small group of hard core fanatics but now.... it's full of screaming Xbox COD kids

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  M.Wolfy said:
Do this...



Zerg are originally from this game


This is were the term zerg rush comes from were players will hatch attack in early game

Lol i love seeing people yell at each other saying starcraft is a rip off of warhammer 40k

Edited by Dooz
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  briansun1 said:
but starcraft is a rip off of 40k

or atlest they copied alot of the models

before You say that

id Highly Doubt they`d copy it Starcraft is Actually Older than 40k (alpha version) the alpha Was The year before 40k was Released in 1997 and when starcraft was in alpha that was 1996 So I do not Believe starcraft is a Rip of 40k

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  M.Wolfy said:
I know that :P

I have starcraft 1...

So...I'd love to share something. Blizzard created a little game called Warcraft that was meant to be a Warhammer licensed game. The licensing agreement never happened and Blizzard moved ahead, changed unit pictures and making what is a very generic game. A real story didn't happen until Warcraft II. The storyline that became the basis for World of Warcraft came about in Warcraft 3. In the credits of Warcraft (the original) you can see a note thanking the creators of Warhammer.

Starcraft undoubtedly drew some inspiration from Warhammer 40k, but doesn't have the same pedigree as its fantasy cousin. The folks who ran blizzard back then were huge Games Workshop fans, but their standard operating procedures seemed to be to take standard concepts and put them into their own world with their own lore.

This all gets argues a lot people people can rightly argue that the idea of orcs, space marines, etc are all common tropes of their respective genres and at least with Starcraft it doesn't even come close to a blatant rip off. That said, you can plainly see many inspirations drawn from 40k for pieces of Starcraft.

i.e. zerg ----> tyranids. Huge swarms, psychic control, adapts the genes of those they conquer into the swarm to strengthen it.

humans: alone against a universe that seems pretty hostile, regular threats of rebellion and insurgency from member worlds

protoss -----> some evident influence from eldar

In no way does Blizzard owe anything to Games Workshop as they've turned these concepts into their own developed worlds and lore. I'm just pointing out a bit of the backstory since I was gaming at the time and paying attention to interviews by developers.

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To be fair to the creators of Starcraft, a lot of what's in 40K isn't particularly original either. Both games just recycled a lot of existing sci-fi tropes (space marines in powered armour, biomechanical/insectoid bad guys, pyschic powers, etc). You can go back 40 years earlier and find that stuff in Heinlein's Starship Troopers, and it probably wasn't that original back then. 40K does get credit for being slightly unusual in transplanting Tolkien/WHFB races into a sci-fi setting, but that's in itself is a bit of a ripoff/homage.

I don't think Games Workshop try to be too original in their fluff and settings. They aren't stupid, and they've been around for long enough to know what works commercially.

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