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How much will the science bay weigh?


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There's not much point designing ships yet, because we don't know which parts you'll have available. For all we know, the tech tree might be really harsh and not give us decouplers or parachutes until we've done suborbital science flights.

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I hope there will be smaller lighter variants of the science bays for lightweight probes. Perhaps they will give less science points to compensate for the fact, but at least small probes will have a use.

That's an interesting thought, but of course the existing science parts (sensors, that is) will still give us Science!â„¢ when coupled with an antenna to return the data. So perhaps we won't get a mini-science bay, at least not early in the Tech Tree, but we will be able to unlock one after returning enough sensor data and turning our accumulated Science!â„¢ into a Science Bay through the R&D Center.

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There's not much point designing ships yet, because we don't know which parts you'll have available. For all we know, the tech tree might be really harsh and not give us decouplers or parachutes until we've done suborbital science flights.

I'm pretty sure parachutes pre-date early sub orbital spaceflight.

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I'm pretty sure parachutes pre-date early sub orbital spaceflight.

Bear in mind, Kerbals lack understanding of the concept of "Saftey" It'll take them MUCH longer than us to come up with a parachute. Or after the first few crashes. Or when they run out of space to hide the bodies and decide that not letting Kerbals return in one piece isn't going to work anymore.

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Bear in mind, Kerbals lack understanding of the concept of "Saftey" It'll take them MUCH longer than us to come up with a parachute. Or after the first few crashes. Or when they run out of space to hide the bodies and decide that not letting Kerbals return in one piece isn't going to work anymore.

Fair points :D

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Well. One can always over design. It is not pointless comepletly. I figure the science bay, the one shown at 22 seconds in the demo for .22 could be around 1.125 tons do to its size being the same as the CoM shown and a guess from the fuel tanks bellow its weight. But, I'm planning on going with 2 tons to be better safe then sorry.

The one science part shown at around 1:00 in could weigh around 0.75 tons by the looks it is around the same size as the Stratus-V Cylindrified Momopropellent Tank. But, Planning on going with 1.5 tons. Again better safe then sorry.

Better over kill as one can always use it for other missions. :cool:

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There's not much point designing ships yet, because we don't know which parts you'll have available. For all we know, the tech tree might be really harsh and not give us decouplers or parachutes until we've done suborbital science flights.

No, wrong, baaaaaad. They have already stated that it'll all be available as and when the update comes to sandbox mode, campaign will be the only mode you'll have to research properly in. Also did parachutes come from rocket science? No, I think it came from airplanes and the need to bail out due to war and it would be stupid to give you rockets but not parachutes "Here, kill your Kerbals or do powered landings until we've researched this".

Also this can't break saves alone, even if it was "You have to research X before you can use Y in constructions", it'll just be locked in the VAB/SPH, there's no reason why having a decoupler in your save now and then after the update you're told you need to research it doesn't mean it'll go poof from your craft nor mean your save will be buggered. Even if it was, do you think you couldn't go into the config or otherwise and set the corresponding tech value to 'Researched'.

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