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What status is .22 Now?


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Hey Fellow kerbounauts if you have any updating info post it below please say when .22 out because i have school so cant go on very much. thanks your fellow kerbal.. -SlenderFan

Edit:Removed some words because i got too carried away sorry for too many words

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Woah, now. Chill a bit. It'll be at the very least another 6 weeks. also, check the KSP weekly blogs they have development updates.

Edit: Suddenly asking when is pointless. they haven't given a release date yet. patience. and begging for it to be realsed when it isn't even done is downright annoying.

Edit mk2: Thank you for removing the dialouge in question.

Edited by Rage097
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They have showed off the big things that means they are holding back for final tweaks or are gonna suprise us with something new. A good indicator is when the media group gets the version it usually means that the update is 2 days - a week away

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We do not give hard release dates as those kinds of deadlines could force us to release with nasty bugs. Instead, we pass through two phases of testing, Quality Assurance and Experimental. Each phase lasts long enough to satisfy the devs that the program is stable and free of major game breaking bugs for the majority of people. When these phases start, we will let everyone know in the KSP Weekly so make sure you read it every Tuesday.

Now, since the question of when we are releasing is on the What Not To Ask list, we'll be closing this thread.


Capt'n Skunky

KSP Community Manager

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