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The official unofficial 0.22 discussion thread


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I am literally waiting on pins and needles for the .22 update. I believe that R&D and the ability to do scientific research are going to convert KSP from a game I've had fun dabbling with occasionally, to the game I have been expecting to eventually swallow up huge amounts of my free time.

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Personally I think .22 is going to bring alot of players back into the community (yes BACK) I haven't played (but have supported) the game for a while, the lack of an objective in the previous versions and the lack of resource mining updates put me off.

This will bring me back; something that would have brought me back last update would be a simple folder system for organizing craft; I like things organized!!

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  JoCRaM said:
Eeek! that science complex gives me the fear - runway landings are already at 3fps (take-offs are OK, I can do them with a birds eye view)

It's not the building that take all the fps, but the way Unity is handling the ocean. They have worked a lot on optimisation for .22, so hopefully you will be able to get better fps. Also you can try to not have the ocean on your screen, quite hard while landing.

  PixelStache said:
Has anyone seen any news about how save files will work? I've heard we'll have to make a new career mode save to use the new science unlock system, but will our old sandbox saves be compatible at all?

From what I recall, sandbox games will not have any tech tree and all part would be unlocked. So your old save file (the current sandbox one) should be fine (again as announced by Ted on the squadcast, they don't know yet if it will be save breaking), and have all part unlocked (however it may not be that useful to do science except rp).

Creating a Career mode should give you the tech tree to unlock and so the parts, and will make science useful, but you would need a new save file for it.

Again this is my interpretation of what I heard in the squadcasts and read through the blogs/weekly. And I can be completely wrong.

  check said:
If anyone caught the news at the end of KSPTV's broadcast last night, looks like they're adding a suspension system to the landing gear? Neat.

That should be quite nice and help with the new terrain we had for .21 (especially on the mun).

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Whereas I am mildly interested by the content mentioned in the upcoming 0.22 patch it isnt going to change the game much for me. I actually have held off playing the game for a few months now just simply because I am waiting for something big and new to grab me back into the game. I have played a good 240 hours so far and practically all of that has been spent within the confines of the Kerbin/Minmus/Mun area. I have tried station building and going to other planets, and tried the planes (wasnt impressed) after the last patch. I have visited the Mun etc and it was exciting but now I have done it and to be honest its not something I really want to do again now, same for Minmus. The game just feels a bit pointless at the moment.

I want something new and exciting to do. I want to play the career and train astronauts, I want to have limits like budgets and meeting missions, I want detailed beautiful planets to visit where I can do science and build authentic bases using local resources, I want to build massive Apollo sized rockets that dont require flaming struts, and I want to be able to construct massive planetary rockets in space. I want to be able to construct moon buggies and lifters on the Mun and I want to be exploring the planets and moons for life etc etc. And most importantly I want it all to fly smoothly and load things quickly because the loading is terrible since the last patch, even with only the 5 or 6 'essential' mods I have installed.

There is so much promise in the game and we are getting there ... but oh so slowly! Its very frustrating, but also very captivating. I just hope I havent gone off the game completely by the time its all finished, having played so many of the bits a pieces in the sandbox mode that I dont see anything beneficial in playing the career. I also hope all the new stuff when it arrives doesnt keep lowering the speed of the whole game down, because at the moment that is putting me off playing more than anything else and I have a 6 core computer 12 Gb RAM and a fast card.

Edited by nats
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  UbioZur said:
It's not the building that take all the fps, but the way Unity is handling the ocean. They have worked a lot on optimisation for .22, so hopefully you will be able to get better fps. Also you can try to not have the ocean on your screen, quite hard while landing.

not forgetting the ocean runs under the land, so its there even if you can't see it...

My concern is the exisiting buildings are pretty simple shapes, so the colliders for them are quite simple, that doesn't appear to be the case for the new one.

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I also hope all the new stuff when it arrives doesnt keep lowering the speed of the whole game down, because at the moment that is putting me off playing more than anything else

The game has generally sped up for me through the versions. When I joined in 0.17 my ships were limited to around 250 parts. Now they can be up to about 450. :)

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  Comrade Jenkens said:
The game has generally sped up for me through the versions. When I joined in 0.17 my ships were limited to around 250 parts. Now they can be up to about 450. :)

Strange, in my old versions (that I still have installed), I can run up to around 400 parts with no lag what-so-ever. While in .21, I can only run up to 2 parts before it starts lagging out of control... and I have not changed my settings...;.;

I'm very worried that .22 performance "increase" will render my game completely unplayable.

Edited by RocketPilot573
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  RocketPilot573 said:
Strange, in my old versions (that I still have installed), I can run up to around 400 parts with no lag what-so-ever. While in .21, I can only run up to 2 parts before it starts lagging out of control... and I have not changed my settings...;.;

Only 2 parts! How on earth do you play?!

Just kidding, I've only been playing since 0.18 but in my opinion it has gotten a little faster, or maybe I've just got better at flying with lag

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  Brapness said:
Only 2 parts! How on earth do you play?!

Very... slowly... at... less... than... half.... normal... speed... Even... KSC... menu... is... very... slow... and... I... have... a... decent... almost... new... computer...

P.S. I have KSP running in the background and now Google Chrome is running at like 2 fps... *facepalm*

Edited by RocketPilot573
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I don't understand the performance concerns in this thread. 0.21 introduced the best performance on my dinky little machine to date. A lot of people in this thread are probably relatively new (And by "new" I mean "within the past year", not that there's anything wrong with that!) and have not experienced the days when the VAB would chug along at 10 FPS if I was lucky, and the game would put out 15 FPS. Anyway, trust me when I say the game gets better with every update, performance and everything.

Another thing, it blows my mind that there are actually people who aren't excited for Career Mode. I'm super freaking pumped for it. Though I guess that's because I've been playing Sandbox mode for 2 years so a new game mode is definitely welcome.

Also I know it's sounds like I'm flaunting my KSP experience in this post and I don't mean to, but I don't know of any other alternative for explaining what's going on than this.

Edited by AlternNocturn
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  AlternNocturn said:
I don't understand the performance concerns in this thread. 0.21 introduced the best performance on my dinky little machine to date. A lot of people in this thread are probably relatively new (And by "new" I mean "within the past year", not that there's anything wrong with that!) and have not experienced the days when the VAB would chug along at 10 FPS if I was lucky, and the game would put out 15 FPS. Anyway, trust me when I say the game gets better with every update, performance and everything.

Another thing, it blows my mind that there are actually people who aren't excited for Career Mode. I'm super freaking pumped for it. Though I guess that's because I've been playing Sandbox mode for 2 years so a new game mode is definitely welcome.

Also I know it's sounds like I'm flaunting my KSP experience in this post and I don't mean to, but I don't know of any other alternative for explaining what's going on than this.

I've been around for roughly as long (maybe slightly shorter than you), and up until 0.21, performance-wise, I'd agree with you. Got very good fps through up to 0.20, and then with 0.21, it dropped dead. I know it's alpha gameplay, so it's allowed to be buggy, but I think 0.21 pushed the boundaries a bit.

Aside from that, to be brutally honest, I'm not all that interested in the recent updates. The Science feature is great, but as most of these updates are career-mode oriented, I don't get the full value, I love Sandbox, so the fact they've cut down on that has disinterested me slightly. (Give me art passes and new parts anytime). Don't get me wrong, career-mode is the right decision and is most definitely the right path for SQUAD to go down, but to each their own. This coupled with the aforementioned fps drop has kinda put me off for a bit, but as SQUAD has said multiple times that they are putting some good optimisation in this update, I'm eager to see what they can pull out of the bag.

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  RocketPilot573 said:
Very... slowly... at... less... than... half.... normal... speed... Even... KSC... menu... is... very... slow... and... I... have... a... decent... almost... new... computer...

P.S. I have KSP running in the background and now Google Chrome is running at like 2 fps... *facepalm*

Did you ever by any chance use the old Subassembly mod? It was broken in the .21 update due to the change in plugin handling, but if you still have the DLL knocking about then KSP will be trying to re-load it repeatedly. I had exactly the same kind of problem you're describing; once I deleted the subassembly DLL, performance went right back to normal.

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  JoCRaM said:
Eeek! that science complex gives me the fear - runway landings are already at 3fps (take-offs are OK, I can do them with a birds eye view)


Aha. I have a new graphics card, and now my PC really flies (*groan*)

I no longer have the fear.

(unfortuately, the new graphics card was too puch for the old motherboard, which promptly melted, so now I have a new one of those too. So far KSP has cost around 350 pounds.... The new motherboard LBAs the disk differently, and stWindows "Fixed" my filesyste, so I've lost all my ship designs. as well as another 83% of my drive contents)

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