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Galaxy Fox: RF1 Sub-Orbital Jet

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The Red Fox One is a sub-orbital jet which is capable of reaching 1400m/s and above at altitudes of 23,000m+ with air intake at 0.01 on two engines. The RF1 has three engines, but the centre engine cuts out at around 0.03 air intake. The RF1 is capable of carrying a medium sized rover on it's back using the docking port, however, this vastly affects balance and can easily cause unrecoverable spin-outs (the only way to recover from these is to drop the rover). The RF1 is also equip with an ejector pod. It takes about 25 minutes to get from the KSC to the North Pole when travelling at about 1250m/s (which requires your altitude to be around 18,000m). The centre engine will run out of fuel just before making it to the North Pole (as the left and right engines pull fuel from the centre, so even if the centre engine is off the fuel is still being used). The left and right engines will have about half of their fuel left once you get to the edge of the North Pole. Only one engine is actually needed to fly the RF1. RF1 Download (this link will redirect you to deviantART where the craft is posted, you can download it via the download button on dA) Info: Max Alt (nose directly up and engines off after 0.02 air intake): 32,694m Max Alt with 3 Engines: 18,000m at 0.03 air intake (center engine cuts out after this altitude) Max Alt with 2 Engines: 23,000m at 0.01 air intake Max Speed: Approx. 1250m/s at 18,000m+ (air intake 0.02/3) with 3 Engines 2013_09_14_00010_by_zukaro_travon-d6m813p.jpg2013_09_14_00031_by_zukaro_travon-d6m80yz.jpg2013_09_14_00052_by_zukaro_travon-d6m80ra.jpgred_fox_one_download_by_zukaro_travon-d69xryc.jpg

Edited by Zukaro Travon
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