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Orion MPCV-style service module interstage fairings

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As part of my SDHI stockalike Service Module system, I'm trying to make the interstage fairings, and as suggested in the following figure (item (9)), they will be jettisoned sideways from the service module and/or the staging adapter.


I would specifically like these side fairings to be staged separately from any other decouplers, to would allow the Service Module PV solar panels to be deployed whilst the whole craft is still mated to the upper stage, at least until transfer/injection burns are complete. This can be seen in the following 2013 SLS/Orion animation for EFT-1 (Fairings jettisioned from roughly 0m27s onwards)

So far, I've made the basic mesh for the fairings, but have trouble figuring out the attachment nodes and jettison-decoupler PartModule; the main confusion is with the "anchor" part, since unlike radial decouplers, my fairings aren't leaving anything behind.

I've tried examining other modders' work unsuccessfully:

- BobCat's Ares/Orion has the side fairings implemented as "auto-shrouds" that are bound to the service module itself, and are eject simultaneously with the staging adapter, so that definitely isn't what I'm after

- KW Rocketry and Anvil Rockets seems to be my best bet, but the former has been deprecated and the author of the latter made a statement that apparently indicates he's not willing to help others.

Any tips and pointers would be greatly appreciated.

Edited by sumghai
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