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Space Station Aldrin Collab/Challenge. Final stages.


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If you have tugs, I can do a rescue ship for you. I have a design for that, I'll do some "computer simulations" with it. Capable of carrying 8 Kerbals (+2 if you only use 1 pilot) and used normally for Kerbin-Mun-Minmus runs, It could be handy if someone manages to crash himself and needs rescue.

Add me to the list as a Rescue Ship d00d?

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If you have tugs, I can do a rescue ship for you. I have a design for that, I'll do some "computer simulations" with it. Capable of carrying 8 Kerbals (+2 if you only use 1 pilot) and used normally for Kerbin-Mun-Minmus runs, It could be handy if someone manages to crash himself and needs rescue.

Add me to the list as a Rescue Ship d00d?

Done. Stay tuned.

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Brody never responded, so I'm moving on. M. Wolfy, your turn, I am curious to see what the AMMES will look like!

It'll kinda look like a TKS


but I'm still working on it :) and you'll get more than I said (It won't just be a escape pod and tug) but I'll tell you once It's finished :P

Also, if the new part limit is 50, I think I'll have do a major redesign to AMMES :( (its 95 parts)

EDIT1: The newer (less functional and not as nice looking) version has 59 parts, can i go a bit over the limit? I can't remove anything else besides the RCS tanks , and if I did remove something from the descent module it will tear apart when the parachute fully deploys.


Old Version (95 parts):


New Version (59 parts):


I took away 2 De-orbiting engines, the communitrons, the science equipment, a LOAD of batteries (which got replaced by 1), the Jnr. docking port on the orbital/Habitation/Tug module, and there will also be a adapter at the top for a normal docking port that can be detached for a jnr. docking port, I'm not docking it unless you can confirm I can go 9 parts over the limit.

Edited by M.Wolfy
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I've constructed a Triangular Bipyramid that is able to provide artificial gravity via rotation to 3 radially connected modules. It consists of 145 parts which could be reduced to as few as 100 if the 9 arm segments of 6 pieces were reduced to 1 longer modded piece. If you would like me to add this to the cylcler station let me know.


Got the part count down to 66 :/


Edited by JUDUFU
Noob didn't realize he had to get first 5 posts approved.
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Ok, AMMES is up and a fuel section and hab has been sent to collide with minmus :P

The station now:


Yeah, I rearranged things a bit :P.

The crew of AMMES is Jeb, Bill, bob And Geoffel (My favorite kerbal :D), though you can't see out the windows of the hab module :(


Anyway, Save: http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=90099725912167529898

It has the new and old version of AMMES in the crafts :P

(also, I got 3 launch failures, 1: blew up 2: lost control 3: bug where jeb, bill and bob disappeared [so It took me a while to do this :(])


Me and Saberus have kinda been talking, and the Aldrin is going to get a sister station! which will end up in a orbit between Dres and Jool (it'll be the waystation for outer planets), it'll be called Armstrong and will have its own post, and if your going to ask, it'll be in a separate save but we will merge the saves together (don't ask me how we're going to do it, I don't know how we are, Saberus just said we will do that. Also, Saberus won't be running it, I will (we had a talk, okay?), I'll get the post up for that, SOON!

Edited by M.Wolfy
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Ok, AMMES is up and a fuel section and hab has been sent to collide with minmus :P

Anyway, Save: http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=90099725912167529898


Me and Saberus have kinda been talking, and the Aldrin is going to get a sister station! which will end up in a orbit between Dres and Jool (it'll be the waystation for outer planets), it'll be called Armstrong and will have its own post, and if your going to ask, it'll be in a separate save but we will merge the saves together (don't ask me how we're going to do it, I don't know how we are, Saberus just said we will do that. Also, Saberus won't be running it, I will (we had a talk, okay?), I'll get the post up for that, SOON!

Nice work, Wolfy, I'll get the seismometers warmed up so we can get some data about Minmus' core.

And yes, there will be a second station, and some persistence file shenanigans to put them both in the same universe!

Next up is Capt. Sierra!

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I've constructed a Triangular Bipyramid that is able to provide artificial gravity via rotation to 3 radially connected modules. It consists of 145 parts which could be reduced to as few as 100 if the 9 arm segments of 6 pieces were reduced to 1 longer modded piece. If you would like me to add this to the cylcler station let me know.

Got the part count down to 66 :/

Very nice piece of work, JUDUFU. It's just a touch over the current limit still, but you might have a chance with the Armstrong station Wolfy will be hosting soon.

Welcome to the forums, BTW.

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Very nice piece of work, JUDUFU. It's just a touch over the current limit still, but you might have a chance with the Armstrong station Wolfy will be hosting soon.

Welcome to the forums, BTW.


This is so much fun. It's going to be great to see the completed station in a proper cycler.

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A proper cycler isn't exactly possible in KSP as far as I know, but the final station will give 2-3 more launch windows that can be shot for maybe. It would also be a place to allow refueling, rest for the crew, and a chance to upload data come the new update.

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Just a quick update on SSI. After rigorous testing and several major changes to the Guppy, Mk IV, SSI began the launches this afternoon. Due to unexpected problems with the lifter design, the craft was unable to de-orbit itself, and SSI resorted to using the onboard self destruct systems contained within the launcher's black market autopilot, MechJeb. There will be no such modules on the final shuttles. The shuttles are fitted with a heat shield for re-entry and are not re-usable after re-entry. They contain enough fuel to make a full de-orbit from Aldrin's altitude. As it stands now, one is currently docked and carried up 3 kerbals. 3 m0re kerbals will be going up with the second, launching momentarily. All 6 will be returned to Kerbin by a third, which will not remain at the station.

UPDATE I: We have confirmed successful docking of the second shuttlepod. A third one is on it's way now to evacuate the crew. This will be the first ever attempted manned de-orbit of a Guppy Mk IV with a full crew tank. Rescue teams are on standby.

UPDATE II: Reentry was a success, all crew have been retrieved. The population of the station has not changed. save file will be returned along with the obligatory screenshot.



Strangely enough, I actually ran all three runs near perfectly. After I finished testing, there was no need to revert, and I never made a quicksave.

The save file can be found here: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B_BVD9gAcd6BRU1fNDk3bmhpM3c&usp=sharing

The entire craft I used can be found there and the MechJeb pods are removed so it will work for everyone.

Edited by Captain Sierra
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The importance of good communications is often lost on us in the modern era, so inundated as we are with information from every front. But in space, it's a very different prospect. You present a moving target when in orbit, and need to be able to accept incoming signals effectively. But at the same time, you need to have a form factor to your communications array which does not inhibit the operation of your craft.


The design of the Communications Array is central to this. It sports a very compact form factor, but also provides maximum coverage with its incoming and outgoing signal devices. Here, you can see it and the final part of its launch stage coming in for docking.


Docking itself is no problem for a long-time vet like me. I even bothered to rotate it so that it won't interfere with the view of the inhabitants below. It has more than enough RCS and power on-board to be moved about as anyone sees fit, as well. A very versatile addition, to be certain!


The launch stage, in keeping with spec, deorbits itself. It might seem to be low on fuel, but that's deceptive.


It was able to completely kill all of its horizontal velocity and still have some fuel left over, no mean feat! Here is the save file and .craft for the next participant.

(Why yes, I *do* work fast! Don't mind the Kethane indicator there; Kethane uses its own independent .cfg that doesn't muck up the persistence file at all.)

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A word of advice. The station is getting a bit stuttery for me. I used DynamicWarp to slow the game clock to 1/2 speed to smooth the framerate. It works GREAT! Both Guppies together only added 66 parts to the station but still, things are going to get CPU heavy real soon. I would recommend that everyone from here on out, whether you have a high performance computer or not, download and use that plugin. It REALLY helps for laggy stations.

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here is my craft added to the main Aldrin Station, I have used the EVA craft from one of the over KSP users, "xoknight posted in the Craft Exchange Section. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/...ing-Unit-(MMU)"

" and I have added this to a docking frame.

In Flight = Second stage about to burn out to the Station. https://www.dropbox.com/s/gpsvxt4v40ypplw/Craft-OP-1.PNG

EVA Frame is Docked to the Station. https://www.dropbox.com/s/vs2ctq82zyaznzq/docked%20EVA.JPG

Pulling away. https://www.dropbox.com/s/gokzpqljzbcl8eu/Craftt-op-Docked%20and%20pulling%20away.JPG

Craft file. https://www.dropbox.com/s/ng23sca17y402cr/aldrin.zip, it takes 87 parts to make this Frame.

Edited by chrischambers
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I'd like tp point out that despite being able to mount one, there is no docking port on that. Additionally, due to the nature of the shuttles I placed (which are capable of crew ferry to Mun i believe), we only have one standard clamp-o-tron left and it is on the AMMES tug. Which is a problem. We are running out of attachment points for shuttles and other stuff. I think docking arms need to take priority as we seem to be out of standard ports. I'll happily run some up if we need them.

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The port issue was corrected.

Capt. Sierra, I can check with Brody and The Error if they'll let you hop in ahead of them for docking arms. If not, and the structure lags too much, I will step in with a set of docking arms with port conversion robots.

Edited by Saberus
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I'd like tp point out that despite being able to mount one, there is no docking port on that. Additionally, due to the nature of the shuttles I placed (which are capable of crew ferry to Mun i believe), we only have one standard clamp-o-tron left and it is on the AMMES tug. Which is a problem. We are running out of attachment points for shuttles and other stuff. I think docking arms need to take priority as we seem to be out of standard ports. I'll happily run some up if we need them.

Your not suppose to dock anything to the AMMES when the AMMES is docked :P its a tug, you guys should also feel free to use it and move it around, which none of you guys have :P.

Also, forgot to mention how to use the AMMES in case of an emergency :(.

Here it is:

1. Press abort (It'll undock everything from the AMMES, and turn the descent RCS on)

2. Use orbital/habitation module to put the AMMES in a low Kerbin orbit (70-100 km)

3. Jettison/decouple the orbital/habitation module

4. Use the 2 engines on top (aka, the retro block) to De-orbit

5. Jettison/decouple the retro block

6. Use RCS to align the craft for reentry

7. Open the parachutes during descent

8. Land

9. Wait for rescue

10. ???

11. Profit

How to use when the station is in a solar orbit:

1. Press abort

2. Use engines to put in a stable orbit/closer to Kerbin

3. Wait for a rescue craft

4. get rescued

5. Return to Kerbin

6. the rest depends on how the rescue craft is designed :P

Also, I'll get the post for Armstrong on either today or tomorrow :).

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