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Landing tut ingame for the mun (for the demo)

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I love KSP, and i wanted to show a friend, he downloaded the demo. he made it of the planet, into orbit and eventualy to the mun.

but he could not land anything. more smashing than landing, up until the point of epic frustration:(

Maybe a idea to put in a landing tutorial in the demo/game? its the hardest thing to work out if you dont know how it works. doesnt have to be a super landing, but enough to get the idea of how to do it. I had the same problem when i started, but i used mechJeb, and only then did i understand what i was doing, and how to land manualy.

Grtz and cant wait for .22


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I do believe than Squad will offer more tutorial once the game is finish.

However at the moment don't consider anything to be added for the demo.

Maybe that mod could help: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/49919-0-21-1-Moon-Travel-Tutorial-1-0-0?highlight=landing+tutorial

Alternatively you can get on skype with your friend. Set your ksp to windowed and share screen to show him. Then get him to get to ksp and walk him through while he practice. (or better just met and play together).

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