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Space Kebab SSTO


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Before my father was horribly removed in a cooking accident, he said "son, if you're ever going to get removed, do it with style"

His death was slow and painful and not very stylish, causing me to drift through life wondering why bad things happen to good kebabs

Finally, I decided to vow to rid the world of unstylish removal and worked hard to make a way for us to remove ourselves as stylishly as possible, and so the Space Kebab SSTO was born:




This beauty will remove a kebab from Kerbin's atmosphere in a single stage, and look damn fine doing it, all while avoiding the slow, painful, firey death my father experienced (probably).

It comes equipped with crew space for one, jet engines for atmospheric flight, rockets for atmospheric escape and RCS + a docking port for refueling.

Use action group 1 to toggle jets and intakes, 2 to toggle rockets (activate jets using space first since intakes are open on launch)

WARNING: If you look in the pictures I posted, I only managed a low kerbin orbit after using all of my fuel AND a bit of RCS to finish circularizing. I'm not the greatest SSTO pilot, so tell me if you can make it up with more fuel to spare (and how :P) but it feels a bit harder to get into orbit than a normal SSTO should (I didn't want to abuse intakes too much)


Mods used (if you're wondering) are "SH Mods Cockpit Mk2 internal" and "Universe Replacer" (I photoshopped the stock skybox to increase contrast and decrease brightness. I hate it when space looks "gray"). Also have "Kerbal Engineer" on in the screenshots but I removed it in the uploaded version

Edited by Tripod27
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