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AARP does it SSTO style, debuts new lander. Space junk removal.


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This only took about 50 launches to get up to a 70KM orbit with a little fuel left over. I kept adding fuel and it kept finding a way to burn every last drop. I took it as a challenge to do SSTO on the default MechJeb ascent path - while simultaneously developing the new lander. If only there was a lightweight way to keep all of the booster held together after cutting the lander loose. The three bi-couplers are connected to the lander's side engines with stack separators and by struts to everything else. The booster splits into four parts on staging and since I stuck three Okto B's on it the main piece can split again into four chunks.

Now that's done, I'll be redoing it with asparagus staging for what should be much better efficiency.


Lithobrake landing of an early test version of the Two Step Lander. The can landed upside down and smushed partway into the (fortunately) muddy ground. This one only had two side engines and Jeb decided to see if it could land with the central Poodle engine shut off. Not quite.


Successful landing at KSC of the finalized Two Step Lander. One centimeter further over and it probably wouldn't have been!


Having built a rocket expressly to loft one full orange tank, plus whatever might be left in another, then leave the full one in orbit. Alan Aerospace Recycling and Packaging needed a way to bring down engineless vehicle parts. Thus - The Deorbitizer! Basically a tiny fuel tank, tiny RCS tank, tiny probe body, tiny engine, some solar panels, three RCS jets and a docking port. (The next to last stage hasn't been staged off, it has its own self-deorbit ability.) Naturally, the port can be changed to adapt to anything that needs kicked downstairs and has a docking port.


More pics in my KSP set http://www.flickr.com/photos/27748767@N08/sets/72157635319720861/

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