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Man on a Mission. A truly inspiring documentary.


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Other then In the Shadow of the Moon this is the best space documentary I've ever seen. Richard Garriot the creator of Ultima Online follows in his fathers foosteps and buys a ride on the Soyuz up to the ISS. Richard was near sighted thus never was able to become a government paid astronaut like his father. So he makes a deal with the Russians and they send him up for $30million. But the money is only the start. This documentary follows Richard for the nine month training session. It's an amazing look inside the Russian space program and the ISS. A truly inspiring journey.

I found two things that stand out the most to me. How subtle the correction burns are. No sound. All you see is all the stuff floating around inside the capsule move to the back and then back to zero g. Cool effect. Just a little on-off burn.

The big thing that surprised me was how violent the landing is. He brings up this HD camera and films everything its great. All the way up to the end. I swear its like a car crash. Even with the "soft landing" thrusters that fire an inch off the ground its still a scary, violent impact. And to add insult to injury the damn thing rolls over. ( which may be intentional to get the cosmonauts out easier )

But all in all an amazing first person perspective of Russian space flight and some good times on the ISS. Awesome movie. So if you haven't heard of this its a must see for any space enthusiast. I could watch it over and over.

Edited by Motokid600
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