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Can I use Squad media material on my mission statement/report ?


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I hope I am in the right forum for this question.

What I am thinking of doing is creating a mission statement/report thingy for a group of people I work with.

I would like to use the logos and pictures already created by squad on the documents I create and use for the period of the mission and I do not want to breach copyright or anything.

The documents I am thinking of creating would simply be to state things about the mission, mission statement, mission progress and the like. I would disseminate the documents amongst my fellow workmates that play KSP only.

I am thinking of using things like the KSP logo, Squad logo, maybe even a strip or 2 from kerbal comics and other images.

I would like to make a mission statement and offer that my workmates join in on the mission. I would like to propose swapping the persistents file between mission administrators, engineers, pilots and spectators.

I am only in the very early stages and have not actually created anything so far, everything is up in the air at the moment. I just though I could use some images from the KSP site to spruce up the paperwork and I don't want to breach any rules I may have skipped over when I read all the rules (cough).

So I guess my question is can I use Squad images in documentation I create and distribute them ?

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I'm not a lawyer, so don't quote me on this, but I'd imagine this would be a fan-works sort of thing, which we really welcome around here, and of being in that nature, I don't think it would be an issue to use some of the imagery. So long as you make it clear that the images are copyright of Squad and you're not making a profit from it or selling them in any way, I can't see it being an issue.

Again, I'm not a lawyer, nor am I a legal representative for Squad, so I might be wrong, and if I were you I wouldn't go by anything not posted by someone who knows what they're talking about (e.g. Squad officials). That said, if you're really worried about it, it might be worth your time to go through Squad's privacy and copyright policies and see if you catch anything pertaining to it.

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Thank you Aphox,

I am not going to sell anything here and will not be making any money.

I did look at the fan works forum and thought this may be for there but I do not have a video or stream and was a bit lost as to where to ask.

I would like to post something here about what is happening with the mission ... maybe as we go or simply as a mission report as the idea winds up (maybe because of lag or hopefully mission complete.)

I think the during or end report(s) would suite the fan works area, with this post I just wanted to ask if it was ok to use some pics from the site in reports and like for the players to spruce them up.. im no artist :)

I am thinking of a long term mission though so it may take along time to finish, what with everyone doing 1 bit then posting the save game along to the next person to do their bit.

I am trying to generate interest at my workplace I hope to be able to involve new player, which means I may need to have a variety of simple and complex stages within the mission for people to work on.

Any further info would be great.

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We actually have an entire sub-forum dedicated to users posting their mission stories, if that's what you're going for, which is a sub-forum of KSP Fanworks forum. If it's more of a writing thing, you can post it in KSP Fanworks.

From what I'm getting, you're planning on writing on-going reports on a mission shared between you and your friends? Correct me if I'm wrong. But Mission Reports sounds like the right place to go. Sounds like a lot of fun though, I hope you get it figured out.

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Yes yes Aphox, this is something that would be going between friends. :)

the only reason I said workmates is because that is where most of us know each other from. I have no "business" plans for any of this , it's all just for the fun of it.

I would like to use the pictures from the web site, if allowed. I thought I might be able to make a sort of flyer for my proposal. something I could pass around in email a bit and ask my 'mates' if they would like to participate.

I plan on doing the mission and asking my mates if they want to participate. I can do the documentation without the pictures but I think it would look great if I could use some pictures that squad have created though.

I was thinking of maybe a watermark background (maybe squad logo, KSP logo, or a flag picture), somehow work in the kerbalcomic of the guys lined up at the pad waiting inline for launch ... on this mission.

I can play more with ideas if it's ok to use them but it's all going to be fun and trying to inspire people to play KSP. :D

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I am a little curious about this too. I used the red rocket from the KSP logo on my Curiosity tribute, Indifference, but I was a little worried about stepping on someone's toes. I figured it was fine as long as it was limited to the forums.

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I vaguely recall that it was mentioned somewhere... as long as it's for non-profit purposes, and as long as it's attributed to Squad. You're better off googling for that first, and have an URL that you can point to if it turns out to be an issue. Besides that, you'll know exactly what is allowed and what is not. GIYF!

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Lookup copyright and trademark ... they are very different things but you are almost certainly fine.

For copyrighted material, your fair use rights are very extensive. You can use copyrighted material, even for commercial purposes, so long as it is done as a "fair use" ... one of many exceptions to the copyright owner's monopoly on use. The leading case on this is Campbell v. Acuff Rose which involved 2livecrew's parody of the song "pretty woman" ... used without ANY permission from the original owner. Read and follow the rules in that case and you'll be fine. (Yes, I know it is a US case, but it's general principals are widely understood and accepted worldwide, almost every democracy has an equivalent.)

For trademarks the rules are tighter, but the basic principals of fair use still apply. Squad cannot say much so long as you are not trying to 'pass off' or otherwise use their trademarks to misrepresent your work as theirs. For instance, typing the words "Monkey Squad" is a violation of trademark, but is acceptable under the theory of "nominative use" in that one cannot speak of a product without using that trademark. Describing what you did today, ie playing KSP, may use trademarked terms and images but is not a violation because there is no other way of describing your day without using them. ie "I ordered a Coke with my lunch" is not a violation of Coke's trademark. The best way to ensure this protection is to include a "not associated with xyz" disclaimer somewhere on your work.

I am not your lawyer. Don't listen to idiots on the internet, certainly not those hiding behind names like Sandworm ... itself a trademarked term.

Edited by Sandworm
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Thanks for that as well Sandworm.

That sounds like the issue is truly put to bed now. I like the idea of the term "fair-use".

Possibly turning the tables here a little I would consider it "fair-use" that if something I created was taken and used in any form by squad for KSP.

As an Alpha/Beta User or Tester of KSP I would not expect them to acknowledge my input but I would be happy to have inspired something.

That makes me feel confident that if what I create gets printed by someone and let's say put on a notice board in a lunch room for instance that it wont be a problem.

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