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I think this has probably happened to a lot of people when first starting out... Building a jet or SSTO for the first time.

I must have spent 10 hours building the most awesome looking jet. It looked so realistic and of course it will fly, it has wings...

Boy was that a wake up call when I stuck it on the runway. And that was after attempting to lift off. Hours of work, for a cool looking coffee table coaster.

I learned a lot that day...

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30 hours plus, and it's just a prototype for a Joolian mission.

<iframe class="imgur-album" width="100%" height="550" frameborder="0" src="http://imgur.com/a/39exA/embed"></iframe>

The New version is sitting at about 40 hours right now,(including the current lander tests) and I am at the moment taking a coffee break from testing the Laythe lander.

This is where the new main ship is right now....*I love that the subassembly option is built in now. My lifters are tested and saved from the prototype, so just a few clicks to launch once I finish the comsats and lander.

<iframe class="imgur-album" width="100%" height="550" frameborder="0" src="http://imgur.com/a/sm2HG/embed"></iframe>

'Splosions are the sprinkles on your ice cream sundae....Jeb :huh::cool::D

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I swear that I'm not bragging here. I'm just confused. I rarely have my ships blow up, even when they're new designs. Maybe it's because I'm OCD about putting struts everywhere?

Take the launcher stage of a basic payload craft, for instance. I have 6 Orange tanks surrounding my middle orange tank. On those six outer tanks I place struts on the top, bottom and inner sections of the top and bottom; those inner struts connect to the center tank. Totaling 24 struts just to hold those tanks on. On the lander portion of this same ship I connect struts from the lander's tanks to the middle orange tank. I place struts on the lander tanks to one another and inner struts on those tanks connecting it to the center of the lander. Most likely overkill but maybe that's why I have so few failures? I'm genuinely confused by everyone having so many problems.

It's usually the same for me.

Personally, it's because almost all of my designs follow the same basic principles. I have developed a set method for how I design things.

I design everything from scratch, but because I always do the same thing (in different sizes offcourse, depending on payload and mission offcourse)

For example, in my current save I slapped tougether a Mun Lander (with mechjeb deltaV stats offcourse) without really paying attention to the deltaV of the lifter. I just wanted the total to have enough.

Well, it turned out that the lifter stage has EXACTLY enough deltaV to get the payload into orbit. Infact, it runs out JUST before circulation, so each piece of debris I ditch has a periaps in atmosphere. But only just, so my lander/transfer (no apollo, so all in one) is completely full when it gets to orbit.

That said, when I DO try to go out of my comfort zone, I'll spend hours trying to get a concept to work. Than I ditch it in frustration, start over again, and end up with basicly the same design.

For example I recently began my first asteroid capture design. Wanting the engines to be backwards, I couldn't use them to finish circulation, so I had to put the entire 60 ton thing into orbit. It took me hours of trying to design a super heavy lifter (not something I'm used to. My designs always go up modular, in small parts), before I realized I could just drain the tanks and lift it empty. 16 tons was alot easier to put in orbit

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The ARM update was just out. I decided to bring a Kerbodyne Tank to my futur-Eeloo Station ; used to docking, I put 2x4 RCS thrusters and it was clearly not enough : five REAL hours to dock, using Dock Align and lazor dock camera to help, 9cm/s of speed, several attempts and orbits

I know your pain :rolleyes:

Longest I've ever spent fine tuning something was about seventy hours.

The AEIA Mk4 I believe. Or Mk5. Can't remember.

getting lags just by looking at this....

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