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Looking for a teacher in the ways of Modeling, Texturing and Unity.


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Your request is pretty non specific. The first thing you're going to need to do is get some understanding of how to create a model and that's mostly tutorials and playing in the 3d program to see how the tools work.

Here's a couple of basic ships I've been working on:

This one is inspired by the moon shuttle in 2001 a space oddessy. It's nothing more than a sphere with the points above the window moved forward a bit and a few points in the lower half scaled up to make a vertical surface to mount the landing gear. I also extruded a ring of polygons around the center of the sphere to add some detail. The texture us just a light background with a red stripe and a few lines painted on it for hull seams.


For this ship I was trying for more of a retro look like the old 50's sci fi. It's just a sphere with a bit of tweaking. All of the points in the lower half were scaled down then moved down in the modeler. The point on the top center was moved upward to make the spike and a row of points was moved outward (z axis) to make the top of the windsheild. Testure on this one is a mostly red background with a couple of white stripes.


As you can see these are both pretty basic geometry and the texture isn't that complex. I probably spent more time on texturing and unity than I did modeling and Unity was by far the most confusing part of the process. All of the smaller details you see on both ships are mostly just stock parts added like any other rocket.

A lot of people recommend Blender for the modeler, but I find it very difficult to get a handle on. It has controls for modeling, animation, rendering, and probably a bunch of other stuff. I look at the interface and very quickly get overloaded trying to find basic stuff. I feel like a monkey trying to figure out a space shuttle.

I find Wings 3D to be a lot more managable. It only does modeling so there's less tools to confuse me. This fellow has a series of tutorials on making an object in Wings 3D, texturing it, importing it to unity, then getting it into KSP.


You may not like tutorials, but it's the only way to learn this stuff so suck it up!

If you can get through his fuel tank tutorial you'll have a basic understanding of how to get your own stuff into KSP and you can come back with more specific questions like how to make the windows glow or how do add a hatch to your ship.

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