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Join Me.. to Eve and Back!


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I have started a mission to send the three original Kerbonauts; Jeb, Bill, and Bob to Eve and back!

I'm hoping to get this up in a total of 5 videos over the next 5 days, with each video having its own highlight reel as well.

Wish me luck!

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I was just fiddling with making a reusable Eve lander and had come up with a very similar design to yours. Diseased minds think alike :).

An Eve colony needs some way of sending decently large ships back up on a fairly routine basis and there seem to be only 2 ways to do this. Either you go with Extraplanetary Launchpads and build disposable lifters on-site, or you use Hooligan's blimps. I'm rather dissatisfied with EL in its present state so have decided to go the blimp way when I get around to doing Eve.

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Day 4: We get Jeb back aboard the lander blimp-rocket and dock the refueling drone to Bob's Fly. We refuel, undock, and 'land' the probe into the purple drank. We then switch back to the lander and GTFO of Eve's terrible atmosphere. Her purpleness is like an Oprah movie.

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Day 5: We redock our manned vehicles, ditch everything on the lander but the reentry craft, and head home! We end with a splashdown and recovery on Kerbin. Thanks for watching!

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