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Sensor Reporter for kOS


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Although it's probably be a but rude to ask for something like this just after a release, might it be possible to add measured engine thrust to Sensor Reporter? That is something that could actually be measured in real life - through sensors in the engine mount or engine - and it could be very useful for things like detecting flameouts or use in any equasion that needs thrust.

I'm always looking for new ideas for features, and I'm usually doing some kind of active development on this mod, so any suggestions are welcome. I'm currently working on the next version, which will include a couple bug fixes, and some new features. I will add this to the to-do list for that release.

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Coming Up in Sensor Reporter 1.5

- Bug fixes, including allowing you to add parts in any order without confusing Sensor Reporter regarding loading.

- Compatibility with the Hot Beverage Inc. sensor mod.

- A vessel!thrust() function, returning the current sum thrust output.

Now the bad news: Until further notice, I HAVE NO PLANS TO MAKE Sensor Reporter compatible with Kethane. I have explored the possibility today, and there are too many technical problems and potential legal problems (the Kethane API is limited, and so is the license) to make it feasible at this time.

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Coming Up in Sensor Reporter 1.5

- Bug fixes, including allowing you to add parts in any order without confusing Sensor Reporter regarding loading.

- Compatibility with the Hot Beverage Inc. sensor mod.

- A vessel!thrust() function, returning the current sum thrust output.

Now the bad news: Until further notice, I HAVE NO PLANS TO MAKE Sensor Reporter compatible with Kethane. I have explored the possibility today, and there are too many technical problems and potential legal problems (the Kethane API is limited, and so is the license) to make it feasible at this time.

It's taking me a little longer than originally planned to release this update because I have a few surprises in-store for you guys. I want to thoroughly test them before I release the update, though. However, I think you will like what I've done.

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I have another small feature request. Would it be possible to get a readout of the current throttle setting? In kOS I think it is only possible to do that when you lock the throttle to a certain setting, but you really do not need that as you altready know what you set it to. It would be useful to have the player throttle manually and kOS reporting that value.

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I have another small feature request. Would it be possible to get a readout of the current throttle setting? In kOS I think it is only possible to do that when you lock the throttle to a certain setting, but you really do not need that as you altready know what you set it to. It would be useful to have the player throttle manually and kOS reporting that value.

Sure, I think that's doable.

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Sure, I think that's doable.

I was thinking about this a little more and figured it would be ideal that a set throttle command would set a throttle setting but not lock it, allowing the player control, while lock throttle would do what it does now. Combined with the capability of reading out the current setting it would allow for programs that modify the users settings for the desired result, instead of eliminating that user input completely. The most obvious implementation that comes to mind would be along the lines of fly by wire, where the software will allow the user to do what he wants up to certain boundaries.

That is just thinking about the final kOS feature set though. I think it might be a bit too early to implement things like that now. Doing it through Sensor Reporter might complicate things a bit as it is quite specific - and I have got a couple more tweaks like that that should/could increase the range of kOS capabilities.

I hope Kevin is doing okay and that he decides to return to developing kOS, so we can work on things like this.

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Because of the amount of work that needs to be done to expand the capabilities of kOS, I am branching kOS Extensions into a separate mod. This will allow me to not clutter up Sensor Reporter with unrelated code. More details to come.


Until an official KSP 0.23-compatible release of kOS is made, there will be no updates to Sensor Reporter, and kOS Extensions will not be released either.

Edited by woodywood245
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