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Astrodynamics Support System for kOS


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At last check (a week ago), that mod is a work in progress, and isn't always caught up with the rest of kOS. It has a few problems on the pUTTY side that made me abandon it within an hour of playing with it.

Ahh ok, I haven't kept up with it as I'm not really interested in that functionality....yet. :) I could see it being fun eventually though.

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Okay, since there have been SO MANY problems with kOS 0.8x, and I'm still trapped using 0.71 because of the bugs, I've begun working full steam on this mod again.

Official first release features:

- Compatibility with kOS 0.7

- Create and remove maneuver nodes.

- Target celestial bodies (planets, moons, the Sun).

- Get phase angles on celestial targets.

- Four parts (1.25m, 2.5m, 3.75m, and 5m), each containing one of each sensor and a kOS computer.

I will keep this thread up-to-date with the latest developments. I am nearly finished with the coding portion, and then I will have to test this thoroughly to ensure that it works.

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  • 3 months later...
The author has moved on to making a new from-scratch drop-in replacement for kOS (that could also support other languages) called Jebnix. It's not ready yet, and looks like an ambitious project.

I noticed that after posting. Perhaps that will have what I am after.

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...is this dead...?

As dead as a Kerbal with no parachute. This project has been dead for a while. Many of the features that was planned for this project were built into KOS during one of the releases. Here's the Jebnix thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/65005-Jebnix-A-kOS-Alternative

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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