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I just call it The Hex.


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This is truly a pleasant ship to fly. I\'ll post the .craft later, when I figure out how to or if there\'s any interest :P

I started out with just one of these small boosters on each side, but then I tried two. It was amazingly stable, so I added another.. And another. And another. Now, at four on each side it gets a little bit less stable; some spin gets thrown in. It\'s nothing I can\'t fix at altitude, but it probably messes up my flight path some. At five, the spin becomes ridiculous. I\'ve tried adding struts to these outside rockets, adding tail fins (both kinds) and nothing seems to work. This is where you experienced aeronautic engineers come in: what is causing this and how can I fix it?

completely offtopic; typing the subtitle, this came up. A large styrofoam cup, with some faded words still visible on the sides. There\'s some chewing gum stuck on it. It seems angry at something, or someone, or maybe the world. (wtf autofill?)

EDIT for attached .craft if anyone\'s interested. It really gets up to speed :)

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Silisko, I\'ve tried that with a ship built under your edition (.craft below). Manual flight, ASAS, SAS, RCS, it doesn\'t matter - your large SRBs end up pitching it off-course and into the water, no matter what, every time. Incredibly frustrating. It\'s as symmetrical as I know how to build it, so why does it always want to fly in one direction?

(Posted here because you did, and because it also has sixfold symmetry.)

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Silisko, I\'ve tried that with a ship built under your edition (.craft below). Manual flight, ASAS, SAS, RCS, it doesn\'t matter - your large SRBs end up pitching it off-course and into the water, no matter what, every time. Incredibly frustrating. It\'s as symmetrical as I know how to build it, so why does it always want to fly in one direction?

(Posted here because you did, and because it also has sixfold symmetry.)

Are you using time warp before launch?

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It looks nice, but brings up a major pet peeve of mine: ASAS and RCS used to stabilize a ship during ascent. Be a professional, fly them manually!

I do this all the time, lolz. Especially with my Custom-Built intrepid universal lifter, which is just too time consuming to fly manually (The SRB\'s burn for 100 seconds) So I turn on the ASAS and time warp to x2. The lander also has SAS to keep it stable, because I turn on the engine and do map view. It tends to rotate and wreck my orbit without SAS on.

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Incredibly frustrating. It\'s as symmetrical as I know how to build it, so why does it always want to fly in one direction?

The problem is the aerodynamics of the rocket-add some fins to it, and it flies like a dream, and flies straight up with very little wobble if ASAS is used. It also doesn\'t help that those boosters don\'t have enough lift for a ship that size-it works better with the main engine on (at low power) while the boosters are.

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The problem is the aerodynamics of the rocket-add some fins to it, and it flies like a dream, and flies straight up with very little wobble if ASAS is used. It also doesn\'t help that those boosters don\'t have enough lift for a ship that size-it works better with the main engine on (at low power) while the boosters are.

I used ASAS and fins for no performance gain whatsoever with my ship.

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Kryten: Thanks. Wouldn\'t have thought a few fins would make that much of a difference - I tried putting some on before (on the SRBs), to no apparent effect. Active control helps, I gues.

(And thanks for replacing the interstage fairing, which I removed in the hope that might help some (it didn\'t).)

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