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Asymmetrical Aircraft

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Fly an Asymmetrical Aircraft from the ksp runway to the island runway.


What I mean by Asymmetrical - The center of thrust, mass and left are not aligned with each other along the longitudinal axis of the aircraft.

No Debug Tools! Or Cheats!

Use any mod you like, But pods and cockpits must be stock to get the more the merrier bonus

No seats! Only pods or cockpits for extra kerbal bonus!

Stay within the Spirit of the challenge, Asymmetry.


You only get awarded ONE of the next three. Balls can not be touching!

5pt -- -Technically correct - -1 of the 3 centers out of alignment

20pt- -2 out 3 isn't bad- -2 of the 3 centers out of alignment

30pt - -This Ain't Right?- -3 of the 3 centers out of alignment

10pt- -Trunin and Burnin- -Use 2 different types of engines

5pt-- -Close but no Cigar- - Land safely at the island but not on the runway

20pt- -Stay on Target- - Land Safely on the runway at the island

5pt-- - More the Merrier- -5 points for each Kerbal in a cockpit

-10pts- -Oops!- -You survived the landing but broke something.

In a tie. fastest time wins!

My run

4 min 16 sec

30pt This Ain't Right?-3 of the 3 centers out of alignment

20pt Stay on Target- Land Safely on the runway at the island

10pt More the Merrier- 2 kerbals

Total 60 points

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Edited by frizzank
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I can confirm that it flies. I don't have the skill to land it though.


Actually just took it out for another spin, After a couple of mishaps, I managed to land it in one piece. A runway landing is going to be a real challenge though

Edit: Damn, meant to edit

Edited by Rhomphaia
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First challenge I've tried - and the first time I've tried to land on the island - here goes!



No, they don't touch...


Works pretty well...


It even landed!


...but it lost one winglet.



6min 7secs

30pt This Ain't Right?

10pt Oops!

35pt More the Merrier

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just to clarify its the round part of the balls that cannot touch.

whistlehead in the lead with 75 points

And now some inspiration.

Blohm and Voss 141b


Google has some crazy ones as well


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