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Bloody brilliant.


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I found this sim via, of all things, listening to an interview with Martin Schweiger, creator of Orbiter.

I was originally going to babble on about various things I like about this sim and how it offers a clever blend of simple, intuitive presentation and complex spaceflight principles, but that was getting too verbose. So a simple 'Hello. Nice game you\'ve got here' will have to do.

Hello. Nice game you\'ve got here. ;D

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Welcome to the forum!

Yes, that was a good interview, I had a couple of questions for Martin Schweiger aswell, but mainly to do with Orbiter. HarvesteR was there aswell, so it was a good chance to talk to him.

But yes, welcome aboard, and let\'s see your crazy rockets! ;D

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I am indeed an Orbinaut. Unfortunately not as much as I used to be since my upgrade to Win 7 has left me with some of the notorious framerate and performance issues. Still, there\'s a certain nerdy comfort in the precision of premeditated, calculated transfer burns with MFD\'s. Something KSP, so far, is slightly lacking in. The smaller scale allows for a lot more wiggle room for winging it, but I can only imagine a few on-screen nav aids will grow high in demand when the rest of the solar system starts getting implemented.

...blast, there I go. I\'ll stop babbling now. ;P

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