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What do I do with my life now?


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So after a little while of playing KSP (Steam tells me lies about it being most of a thousand hours - Don't believe them, it's been like 20 minutes, I remember every second) and some not insignificant use of mods I have visited every astral body in the Kerbal system.

Many brave Kerbals have given their lives to this achievement although reporters are touting that "The CEO of JonzCo is a true Kerbanitarian for the many brave rescues that have taken place under his caring leadership". As always there is another side to the story and some of the tabloids have printed headlines like "JonzCo sends 8 separate unmanned missions to save one crew member; How much is a single kerbal life actually worth".

Some enviroactivists have suggested that the environmental impact of the current JonzCo space program may in fact require Kerbal kind to move to other planets however JonzCo representatives assure us that all of these things are unrelated and, "given the abundance of industry in the concrete jungle that we call Kerban, any chemical or fallout pollution would be impossible to trace directly back to KSP or JonzCo"

So that's that. All done. What next? No wife, no kids, my friends don't visit any more and my flat is little more than a command pod shaped hole in walls of takeout containers... Do I shower? Should I find someone to talk at? Mayybe I could shave and cut my hair - change my clothes, hey in fact I'm going to get dressed, out of my pajamas!

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Achieve the same goals, only with unreasonable machines.

And much bigger, for that is the Kerbal way! I think there's going to be some kind of field levelling event that will knock Kerban back to a technological fork... Perhaps a full political ban on Atomics (since folk are worried after what happened) but the introduction of atmospheric mining for fuels and a raw need to colonize on a MASSIVE scale (again what with that "thing" that happened, the "thing" that happened and changed the status quo)?

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Work on more humorous newspaper articles and spokeman-quotes and such and get squad to implement them in one form another.

Since this thread really isnt about anything specific, i´ll just rant away a bit:

I really think KSP should stay with the jibberish language (backward spanish?). It should feature cut-scenes. And a number of those should feature a particular spokeman, who needs to be modeled very well, in appearance, style, gesture and the way he spins things. Sort of clumsy on all four accounts, probably. Maybe he should smirk and squint whenever he´s telling a lie, like a certain president in the past (dont want to spur political debate here, but i swear i could tell everytime he did that), or raise both thumbs, like another. I dunno. Anyways: He´ll need subtitles for various occassions. Since he´ll be the guy having to sell the failures as ´unexpected outcomes of experiments, which ended up yielding far more knowledge than had previously been expected of them´, those occassions will mostly include bad stuff. So, bringing this post back to its beginning: Work on those subtitles.

Edit: Ranting on: The main thing about that spokesperson is, that he needs to be very ´see-through´, with nervous ticks and behaviour-patterns that are very easy to pick up, while he himself sees himself as very cunning and the pinnacle of smooth-talk. The fun part is, that he does a great job, since the kerbals buy it... You need to work suspension here: Say, at you news-conference cut-scene, an unpleasent question comes up. Mr. Spokesman hestitates for a bit. Puts on a thoughtful face, as the camera starts to move close up. Then he starts to squint - camera keeps closing up, guy keeps squinting harder and harder - almost as if he was trying to hypnotize his audience with closed eyes. Since you have picked up by now, that he squints everytime he´s about to present more-than-questionable facts, you are really out on suspense by now: What sort of frog-prince is he gonna pull out of his hat now. And then comes the most obvious and blatant BS, that just makes you snort or giggle or rofl or whatever, followed by a second of silence... the audience is shown as it stands there, frozen, digesting what the spokesman said. And when they are done with that, all unisono, they start to cheer and jubilee, cause, hey, you heard it!

It will make you think wether the subs are translated correctly or wether you just misread what the guy said - cause remember they are all talking jibberish - you only get to read subs.

EDIT2: The kerbals need to be like sheldon cooper when he gets told that ´it isnt what it looks like.´

Edited by Mr. Scruffy
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Is it wrong that I am totally, totally, TOTALLY jealous of your life??

I was like that once, then I got married and had kids. Now I read posts like the OP and spend the next hour sobbing under my pillow.

Hear hear! And I'm not even married...

But back in the day, I bet you spent a thousand hours playing old-timer games, like I did. Space-related I spent too much time in Star Trek TNG just trying to find a ferengi in random encounters or humiliating the AI in Masters of Orion.

If we had spent those days buying Apple stock or designing an "instagram" (whatever that is).... we could have retired at 22 and keep playing KSP until old age when the shaking makes it preferable to play DDR.

Edited by loknar
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