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Journey to Sentar: Other Worlds

Mr Shifty

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We can all still download this, I found the download link in Krathegea's release post on Reddit.. I dont regret removing FASA To be able to use this mod.

Im designing a Passenger ship to take people to these new worlds as we speak.

Also, I heard of something orbiting the Mun? Where can I find this?

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And.. Ablate.. Damn! That is a COOKED Planet!

I also feel like that Ascension should go out from the sun TWICE As far.. It needs to ASCEND, As well as being visible from kerbin once in a long time! (Halleys Comet!).. Mabye add some effects too.. With a Trail effect!

As well as a Minor asteroid belt at the same distance as Dres!

That Would make my life all worth it.

(Inaccessable should be a Retrograde Dwarf planet.. With 90 Degree Inclination to the SUN.)

(Just some ideas)

Edited by Bobhendly
I feel like garbage for posting too much..
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Im having a real hard time finding information on this mod. Most threads are locked for some reason... where do i download this? How do i install it? What bugs are there? How will it effect my save game? This mod could open a new chapter in KSP for me, but i find myself getting frustrated at the fact of how scattered the info for this mod is. Any help?

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I have a question about the planet Inaccessible. Is it actually scientifically possible to have a planet with a rotation speed higher than escape velocity? I think the planet would just spontaneously fall apart if it was real life. Perhaps the developer should make the speed just lower than orbital speed. That way, when you're on the poles you'd experience normal gravity, and while you're on the equator you'd experience maybe exactly zero G or something just higher than that. It would still be very challenging to land on - just more realistic.

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Ty spaceX that solves the issue of where to get it.. but.. theres no installation info. Do I really just drop this in gamedata just like any other mod? Theres got to be more to it then that. And has anyone tried this with a present save? Any bugs? Also.. the download is only 50mb. Whats the catch here? I saw someone say this mod takes up 2-500mb.

There really needs to be a stand alone thread that breaks down this mod. I have no idea what im getting myself into.

Edited by Motokid600
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  Motokid600 said:
There really needs to be a stand alone thread that breaks down this mod. I have no idea what im getting myself into.

Hey Motokid,

Yup, you just drop the folder into Gamedata like any other mod. There's nothing too suspicious about the download being 50 megabytes. I mean, all you need is a few textures, some config files, and that's it. I installed it and it works fine for me. I recommend copying over your current KSP folder, then making a copy specifically for this mod. That's how I test new mods. There's no risk to any of your save files that way.

However, I do agree there should be a better thread with some more info.

EDIT: The main problem is that all the other threads that were made were closed due to various reasons.

Edited by Andrew Hansen
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  Andrew Hansen said:
I have a question about the planet Inaccessible. Is it actually scientifically possible to have a planet with a rotation speed higher than escape velocity? I think the planet would just spontaneously fall apart if it was real life.

I heard it from MrShifty that Inaccessible was inspired by the planet Mesklin, which was invented by the Hall of Fame science fiction writer Hal Clement in the 1950s in his book Mission of Gravity.


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mission_of_Gravity <-- check the picture of Mesklin on the cover of the book at this link.

The cool thing about this story is that at the time it was written, they'd just discovered what they then thought was the 1st extra-solar planet, and that it had a mass of about 17 Jupiters. It turned out to be experimental error, not a real planet. However, Clement used it for his story before the mistake was known, the 1st story set on an extra-solar planet that we thought we knew something about. And this is where things get interesting.

17 Jupiters would have too much gravity for people and Clement wanted to have people go there. So he made the planet spin so fast that it became discus-shaped with a huge radius. This enabled the equatorial region to have only about 3 Gs so people could survive there in exoskeletons. But at higher latitudes, the gravity was off the chart, hundreds of Gs. So it was also unique in having such differences in gravity. And there were native lifeforms there, too. All this made for quite a ripping yarn. I highly recommend this book to all KSP players.

Anyway, that was the inspiration for Inaccessible, as I hear the tale. That's where the huge spin and flattened shape came from, although the gravity is much less.

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  Andrew Hansen said:
Hey Motokid,

Yup, you just drop the folder into Gamedata like any other mod. There's nothing too suspicious about the download being 50 megabytes. I mean, all you need is a few textures, some config files, and that's it. I installed it and it works fine for me. I recommend copying over your current KSP folder, then making a copy specifically for this mod. That's how I test new mods. There's no risk to any of your save files that way.

However, I do agree there should be a better thread with some more info.

EDIT: The main problem is that all the other threads that were made were closed due to various reasons.

Thanks I got it working real nice.

Im surprised this thread doesn't have as much pages as KMP. These planets are brilliant. So far I hit Ascension first and just landed on inaccessible minutes before I typed this. My orbiter-made lander is currently rolling perpetually across the surface. Not a fan of the name, but it damn near suits it. This planet was the biggest mind ****. The surface spinning faster then your orbit screwed with me as soon as I entered the SoI. And.. this may be a bug, but my craft seemed to be spinning along with the planet. Even under 50x warp. .. my craft was spinning in sync with the planet. So I had to compensate for that the whole time. And soon after learning that an equatorial landing is suicide I quickly burned to the north pole. Even MORE of a mind **** lol. But I managed to land within a few hundred meters of the exact pole and the speed was tolerable. Getting the craft to come to a rest.. not so much.



Came to rest after a 50 yard tumble. Spared two of four RTG's. She'll live..

Question.. Can I tone down the terrain clutter? There is far to much. It looks good in that last pic, but if I move the camera up its just a small 1x1 patch.. There is a setting in the menu, but I don't want to decrease the stock planets clutter.

Edited by Motokid600
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  • 2 weeks later...

Due to the fact that I hate the short Tracking Station descriptions that don't fit with Squad's descriptions, I made my own. To edit them, go to GameData/PlanetFactory/PluginData/PlanetFactory, open the config file and edit the 'bodyDescription' sections.


There has been a lot of controversy regarding Ablate's existence. Similarly to Laythe, when it was first discovered, it didn't entered to the records because the scientists in charge thought the astronomer was looking at Moho. Eventually, another astronomer was observing Moho and noticed a small dot at the Sun, which hinted towards the existance of Ablate.

Eventually, Moho's status as closest planet to the Sun was revoked and given to Ablate. Several infuriated Kerbals who love planet Moho caused riots across Kerbin's cities, causing Ablate to be downgraded to a dwarf planet and for Moho to retrieve it's status as closest planet to the Sun.


There is still controversy whether Inacessable is an actual planet in the sky or not. It's abnormally high rotation speed often makes Kerbals believe it is not a celestial object and is rather a spying device made by tall, biped creatures with five fingers from outer space, though astronomers guarantee us it's a real planet.


Acension has long been an intriguing dwarf planet to Kerbality. It's incredibly eccentrical orbit with an apoapsis that gives Sentar's a run for it's money and a periapsis close enough to high-five the Sun often makes Kerbals mistake it for a comet.

In fact, now that I speak of it, Acension MAY be a comet wandering across the Sun...hmm...


An unique planet due to it's rings and sometimes considered as Jool's sister planet, Sentar has long been considered in mythology to be full of oceanic life. According to Kerbal archeologists, the name translates into Kerbal as ratnes or "to stand". Significant? I doubt it...


Skelton has long been known for it's nasty habit of tricking astronomers into believing that it is Duna. In fact, it has been first discovered centuries before Duna and has since then been confused for the nearer red planet, until seven year old amateur astronomer Skelton Kerman noticed Sentar in the background.

Skelton Kerman was then moved up to university and granted an one year long astronomy term for free.


Erin has long been known for it's high ammounts of puddles. Often considered Sentar's equivalent of Jool's Laythe, Kerbals across the world had long been considering to set a new civilization on Erin due to it's similarity to Kerbin.

Well, it's similar, if you don't count the abnormally high ammount of puddles across one side of the moon, the thinner atmosphere, the fact that it's a moon of a Gas Giant, and the further distance to the Sun...actually, it isn't very similar, is it? This sounds like the same Kerbals who think Eve is Kerbin's sister planet.


After the controversy that happened when Pock was discovered, due to it being a moon orbiting another moon, astronomers decided to name it after the famous rapper Pock Kerman, widely known for his catchphrase "Yo dawg, we heard you like X, so we put an X in your X, so you can X while you X!".

Needless to say, when Pock Kerman heard about this, his next plans were to set a stage for his next music on Pock.


Ringle has been misunderstood a lot of times by the science community. When it first was discovered, it was mistaken for a piece of gold stuck to the lens of the telescope, causing the bigmouthed astronomer to yell "I'M RICH!". A few seconds after, a fistfight ensued over who possessed the gold piece. After that, it was mistaken for an eared dwarf planet in the outer reaches of the Solar system, because all telescopes had been broken in the previous fight and they had to use the backup telescopes, which are ten years old.

And after the shipment of recent telescopes had arrived, it was mistaken for a protostar due to it's yellowish coloration and because the astronomer who observed Ringle forgot his glasses. It was only two months afterwards that it was discovered that Ringle is actually a moon of Sentar, because astronomers couldn't catch a picture of Ringle without Sentar in the background.


Thud has long been the punching bag of the Solar system, and it's heavy craters confirm that. It's black hole-like gravity basically means game over if you get caught by Thud while you try to get to Sentar.

Scientists speculate that the end of Kerbanity may include Thud, Tylo and Eve joining forces and crashing into Kerbin.

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  • 1 month later...

Good download.

Only problems so far are the rings, Inaccessible and Ascension are pitch black when in game but in full color in the tracking station

edit: at 145,000m ascension's terrain can be seen but at 140,000m it becomes pitch black. Also rings are still pitch black.

New edit: rings now in color when under equator but still black when over

Ascension and Inaccessible are still pitch black when I get within a certain distance

When time warping, the map shows the planets falling off the fixed orbits (they stay one the orbits but the map shows the planets falling away from the orbits but the orbits are still fixed)

Edited by War Eagle 1
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  • 2 weeks later...
This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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