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Need Somebody Who Is Great at texures

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So i'm making a mod but i'm extremely bad at textures so i need somebody to do it for me. I need somebody who's able to texture fuel tanks and engines, privite message me or email me (click on my name and it will take you to my profile so you can privite message me or email me) i really need somebody to make some EXTREMELY good at textures please help.

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Guys i tried doing textures and i'm bad at it and i never herd of "GIMP" + i'd thather use Google sketch-up for a model file but cant it don't support it and i don't understand the engine textures + the textures are for the my mods 2.0 update (its one of 42 updates) here's my mods name "Faster Voltage" i need the help guys just support me here

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http://www.gimp.org/ It's easy to use and powerful.

Pat8996, the key to getting people to help you is proving your dedication by doing things yourself even if they suck.

Nobody is willing to do for you what you are not willing to fail at, and there is absolutely no shame in making something bad and improving it later to get your idea off the ground.

That said, there are some basics to help you make textures that don't suck; use solid colors and borders at the edge of major regions (top and bottom of cylinders, the edges of doors and windows, etc), avoid complicated bits and extreme colors.

Anything is better than nothing, and making something should take you about ten minutes. It's actually really easy to make passable textures and with a little try you can probably figure out a style within a few days.

Once you have /Anything/, you can start getting opinions and drawing interest; maybe at that point a texture artist will offer their services but still probably not. Or ask Reddit.

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http://www.gimp.org/ It's easy to use and powerful.

Pat8996, the key to getting people to help you is proving your dedication by doing things yourself even if they suck.

Nobody is willing to do for you what you are not willing to fail at, and there is absolutely no shame in making something bad and improving it later to get your idea off the ground.

That said, there are some basics to help you make textures that don't suck; use solid colors and borders at the edge of major regions (top and bottom of cylinders, the edges of doors and windows, etc), avoid complicated bits and extreme colors.

Anything is better than nothing, and making something should take you about ten minutes. It's actually really easy to make passable textures and with a little try you can probably figure out a style within a few days.

Once you have /Anything/, you can start getting opinions and drawing interest; maybe at that point a texture artist will offer their services but still probably not. Or ask Reddit.

I have tried it was a success but that was on the old demos manned command pod

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