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A theory on why the Orange Suits respawn


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I think they just bail out of the capsule. Then, they jury-rig a way to boost the efficiency and power of their RCS jetpacks about a thousand times, and they just jet themselves back to Kerbin.

EDIT: Or cloning. That works too.

Edited by zxczxczbfg
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Maybe Jeb, Bill, and Bob are like the endlessly cloned lunar miner in the movie Moon. Maybe underneath the Kerbonaut training center there is a secret underground lab where hundreds of Jebs, Bills, and Bobs lie in cryo-preservation, waiting to be thawed out after your next big rocket failure.

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I think they just bail out of the capsule. Then, they jury-rig a way to boost the efficiency and power of their RCS jetpacks about a thousand times, and they just jet themselves back to Kerbin.

This is what i will imagine from now on.

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The bailout idea is nice, but the orange suits are demonstratebly still in their capsule <1 seconds before a crash. If you put yourself in a retrograde solar orbit and crash into Moho at 30 km/s, the several million gees they would have to endure to deaccelerate quickly enough would atomize them, and the exhaust from something that can accelerate them at several million gees would probably blow away a large portion of a planet's surface.

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They have a secret way of teleportation, Jeb is the most powerful, hence why he is alway happy and laughs maniacly, cause he knows he'll come back no matter what happens, so even when they explode on Eeloo they always end up being spotted atempting to climb into the next rocket

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The reason Jeb is so goddamn happy is because he's the only Kerbal to ever be classed clinically insane. As the original Jeb was such an interest to the Kerbal scientists, they cloned him time and time again to study his insane ways. One too many Jebs later, they broke out the science lab and headed to the Space Centre, which explains the abundance of happy-go-lucky Jebediahs popping up to pilot your spacecraft. As for Bill and Bob, space wizard done it.

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As soon as one of the orange suits is killed, the space agency searches for a Kerbal who matches their personality and changes his name to match the name of the recently deceased astronaut.

I like this. Seems very communist. "There was no accident. No one died. See he's right here." ... "Yes I am definitely jebediah Kerman."

Edited by KatzOhki
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As soon as one of the orange suits is killed, the space agency searches for a Kerbal who matches their personality and changes his name to match the name of the recently deceased astronaut.

That's close to my theory, Jebediah isn't a name, it's a title, think "Head crazy-fearless person."

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The bailout idea is nice, but the orange suits are demonstratebly still in their capsule <1 seconds before a crash. If you put yourself in a retrograde solar orbit and crash into Moho at 30 km/s, the several million gees they would have to endure to deaccelerate quickly enough would atomize them, and the exhaust from something that can accelerate them at several million gees would probably blow away a large portion of a planet's surface.

This is Jeb and Co we're talking about. Several million gees is nothin'.

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Another theory. Kerbals are not plants or fungus as many think but sponges. When they 'die' they explode in a puff of dust, that's not spores, it's just them being smashed into their constituent cells. Then can then slowly reassemble (sponges can reassemble even after being put in a blender). The kerbals can all reassemble, but the other kerbonaughts are smart enough not to come back to the space program when they reassemble, but Jeb, Bill and Bob are defective in the pseudobrain (sponges don't have a brain) so they keep coming back for more of the same.

How they get back to Kerbin? ummm, space wizard dun it.

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Jeb, Bill and Bob are immortal. They are the three Kerbal gods of space and aeronautics, having come to Kerbin in a messianic style. They are wildly enthusiastic to assist the Kerbals in their ventures into space, so enthusiastic that they are willing to sacrifice themselves to test the absurd designs the Kerbals produce. They then return after their deaths to help once more.

They're given orange suits to signify their holy presence. They also cuased the Kerbals to abolish the concept of KIA, as no true Kerbal spacelord can die, they can only be missing, just like their gods.

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Jeb, Bill and Bob are immortal. They are the three Kerbal gods of space and aeronautics, having come to Kerbin in a messianic style.

I think Jeb is the god of space and aeronautics while Bill and Bob are gods of space safety, hence the screaming.

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"Orange suits never die, they're just missing in action".


In real life, an orange suit is for a prison inmate. Possibly on death row.

In SCP lore, Orange suits are for D-class, cannon fodder basically.

In Star Trek Orange is close to Red, and the Red-shirts always die.

I feel like a horrible, dream crushing person.

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The reason Jeb is so goddamn happy is because he's the only Kerbal to ever be classed clinically insane. As the original Jeb was such an interest to the Kerbal scientists, they cloned him time and time again to study his insane ways. One too many Jebs later, they broke out the science lab and headed to the Space Centre, which explains the abundance of happy-go-lucky Jebediahs popping up to pilot your spacecraft. As for Bill and Bob, space wizard done it.

He's also the only one hardcoded to be badass. Or is that the same as insane?

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With the new astronaut hiring system, do you actually have to hire jeb bob and bill again, or do they automatically respawn back into your available astronauts?

I was wondering becausde I killed all of my orange suits and havent seen them since.

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