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So... imagine this scenario: you've docked two ships together (one a tug / fuel ship and the other is a lander). You start thrusting and are about to leave Minmus orbit for sunny Duna. You go into map mode, plan your maneuver, throttle up, accidentally hit quicksave (habit), and then notice nothing has happened. Switch back to flight mode and notice that your tug is in a hundred pieces, scattered all over Minmus orbit. You try to revert to the last save, but all hope is lost... the accidental quicksave saved things after the failure. Yup, happened to me yesterday and I feel like an idiot.

What would I like to see out of this? How about a status prompt somewhere? This would be most useful in map mode, but I suppose it wouldn't be bad to make it an option for flight mode. The status prompt can say things like "throttle at 50%" or "ALERT! Ship 'Tug' has been destroyed". Thanks!

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