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Keyboard shortcuts for tracking center

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Managing a lot of crafts from the tracking center would be a lot easier with keyboard shortcuts, especially when deleting several of them.

Arrow keys could be used to move up or down the list

Enter could default to the 'fly' button

Delete could default to the 'recover' or 'end flight' button

Both buttons should have confirmation box popups, and maybe those should be mouse only to prevent accidents.

It's not exactly a big deal, but I think this would improve the tracking center.

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More keyboard shortcuts would be amazing. The problem isn't adding the hotkeys, it's making them easily apparent.

Say... {cFFFFFFFF:<colored text>} Where the brackets and "c" is literal and FF,FF,FF,FF is Alpha/Red/Green/Blue, the only problem is escaping the closing bracket... Of course, this would be saved as a string internally, and parsed on load.

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