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[WIP] Bavarian Aerospace: Tubes! (update9|20|14)


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Just as a question how where you intending on attaching the domes you was talking about? Regular docking? KAS is good for small parts but room sized stuff would be hard to keep from looking silly.

Oh for the parts being not deployed that sounds more like a plugin issue as DEMv parts do the same thing for wheels.

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Just as a question how where you intending on attaching the domes you was talking about? Regular docking? KAS is good for small parts but room sized stuff would be hard to keep from looking silly.

all parts lager than the actual .20 or maybe .50 tube will be not available for KAS later, in the actual version the large parts use so much space in a storage module, that..it think only 3 large tubes fit in the large module. anyway for now, they have KAS, cause the flextube does not work very well.

My idea with the domes is a mix of docking and expandable...but first I will change something in the concept.

One Idea actual in Meshlab joining Hatchportadapters and Docking Ports to one Part. shorter than the dockingport with door, a bit larger than the small dockingplate for the Modules, with a small shutter instead of a door. This new dock will get only 2 Attachnodes ( + surfaceattach...or not....depends on some things with KAS i try to figure out) and to use additional nodes as workaround ( cause KSP and this sidenode-attaching-case in VAB is something i really hate) I will make some parts like and "L".


And one option would to make the tubes ...hmm...less tubes....more like boxes :-)


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Hey, I love this concept!

Any progression? :)

hmm yep, new set of parts soonâ„¢



It's perfectly usable right now.

more or less, i still recommend to use the actual and next test-release not for your primary ksp-installation/safegames

Some quirks with how KAS works.

yep, KAS could cause strange bugs and is limited to surface-attachment-nodes, but at least if have a small solution for easier targeting


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hmm yep, new set of parts soonâ„¢

yep, KAS could cause strange bugs and is limited to surface-attachment-nodes, but at least I have a small solution for easier targeting


YAY. Making that easier to identify goes a long way to playing this right out of the box.

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No more round tubes?

I will migrate the old tubes with the new ones with a later update, but i don´t know if I reduce the set of the round ones, expand it or change the design......

This is a lot of fun!

I am running into some trouble using the ntfcopen in the VAB. Seems to only want to attach to existing parts using the top or bottom nodes.

The part itself has on both sides stacknodes and a lower surface-attach-node on one side (like all parts now). try to rotate the view if you want to attach from stacknode to stacknode, if the surface-one makes trouble.

Generally the surface-attachnodes are necessary for KAS and parts likes the facilities to be able to attach them with one side, cause KSP is limited to one active stack-node-axis.

Also, a 30 degree or 15 degree bend tube might be handy.

...i know :-) soonâ„¢

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Impressive changes.

I saw in one of your videos how you where using RCS thrusters to move a HAB model to a tube opening.

I was thinking KAS allows for a container to be picked up and moved by a Kerbal, so would in be possible for the KAS plugin to allow the Kerbal to move the HAB?

It may not be realistic, but it could be a useful base construction aid as we do not have any construction vehicles to help in the game.

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my planed solution are roverwheels deployable integrated in the plate on the landing-leg. all pointing in the same direction....but i have some trouble with legs ...so it will take some time and experience for me.

but here something completely different from the lab ( no not a larch)

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Is it useable in space, as a part of space station, or it needs to be placed on the ground?

it is designed for ground-stations....it could be used in space...but that would look a bit strange.





maybe i will redesign the old round tubes for spacestations, changing all walkways to ladders and some round or spheric expandable livingrooms. If someone needs that stuff?!?


...and if you like round-tubes, should i keep the design...make it more scrap-looking....looking like the new parts...100% stock design...or something completely different but not an larch?

Edited by onkelsiebdruck
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I did a space station habitat. It doesn't look bad. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/52139-WIP-Bavarian-Aerospace-Tubes%21-%28update11-13-13%29?p=747351&viewfull=1#post747351 A bit claustrophobic. I see no reason why you should not include round and square tubes in this mod. It is probably a lot of work to track two versions of this mod, but maybe you could label the different part sets so people can use the Part Catalog mod to sort parts in VAB/SPH. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/35018-0-21-PartCatalog-2-0-Big-overhaul-get-your-dynamic-subgroups-now!

I plan on using the new stuff for RemoteTech Command stations. The first two will probably be polar outposts with big antenna arrays. It should showcase really well given the white backdrop. I made a new career game so I'm still working up to the required probe tech.

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I made a fugly gantry to move modules in place, complete with KAS winches and magnets, but forget the power generation to use the magnets. Ugh. Oh well. The first module I dropped for a polar base has solar panels so I may be able to salvage this mission. The three immortal Kerbals snuck on to the gantry mission, which is not what I wanted. I may drop another gantry anyway because I have no clue how to get in a satellite dish array without modding RemoteTech dishes to be packable with KAS and this mod. A tall tower will be difficult to get in place at the base.


All of this is at Kerbin's north pole, so no RCS or low gravity to make things easy. Most of the pieces keep dropping about 3km from each other. It takes so long to drive. I may use Cupcake's drop ship for all this. It might be faster, at least for long hauls.

Grr. Back to the drawing board. This gantry is bad. Really bad. Time for a redesign properly using the fidgety KAS building symmetry. Something U-shaped and bottom heavy with a gantry arm over top to pick stuff up. It will hug modules and kiss them on the top of the head.

edit with feeling:

I call her the Creepy Aunt. She weighs in at over 6 tons. There's plenty of clearance all around. Time for a field test to see if her power holds and a parachute drop. The center of mass is right between the middle wheels. I may use radial parachutes (14 according to a handy utility online) so they can be detached. I will likely make her a two seater.


These parachutes are getting crazy.


The square tubes are smaller than the round tubes. What happened? A lip or raised seam won't let a Kerbal walk and if you jump the game crashes.

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Just a small bump. Hate to edit my last post yet again.

Pictures of a Kerbin polar base in progress.





Two Kerbins gave their lives dropping from orbit. Their seat belts did not hold. ...Oh, right. Those chairs don't have seat belts. It's a good thing the gantry had an antenna to hook up to the polar orbiter and there was a Kerbin already waiting in a habitat module. He made it back to the storage module in one piece. His habitat module was eaten by the K(AS)raken so I will have to send more.

Here's the craft file (career mode) for Creepy Aunt. You will of course need Bavarian and KAS. Magnetic plates are on the back of the vehicle, ready to be picked up and installed by Kerbals. Just put the whole thing on top of a rocket. It's not perfectly balanced, so you'll be flying by the seat of your pants. Mechjeb does a pretty good job of getting into orbit from Kerbin.


You can just deploy the habitat modules with their parachutes in one go. They'll bunch up in the gantry but when you deploy the gantry parachutes it will slow down much faster, releasing the habitat modules.

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The square tubes are smaller than the round tubes. What happened? A lip or raised seam won't let a Kerbal walk and if you jump the game crashes.

First..the free space between the physical colliders is pretty the same compared to the round tubes, ....but also i now that the colliders need more work and i try different combinations of box and convex ones.

Second.... this Mod is in development and feedback what helps to improve an mod is always welcome. Sadly most feedback is from a technical view not very helpful.

Don´t missunderstand me, if you are just a player and not interested in technical details and want to have fun with my parts it´s ok and i am happy with that, but than you should still realize that, if your Game crashed and you assume the crash is caused by one of my parts it would be useful to post a log-entry or any more detailed description. That could help improving a mod instead of spamming your personal stations design ans stories in a development-thread. Thank You. ;-)

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