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Point landing


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This is a trick that may not be as efficient as other methoods but seems to make the landing process easier. (for me at least)

The goal is to make an accurate, nearly pinpoint landing on a NON-ATMOSPHERIC celestial body. We'll use Minmus for this example.

Step one: Acheive an orbit around your desired body. This is self explanatory, and will not be covered in this tutorial. If you need help with this, check out some of the other great tutorials here!

Step two: Lower your Periapsis as low as you can go while still maintaining a stable orbit. On Minmus, be wary of the high hills and mountains. While in orbit, wait for your landing zone to be under your periapsis.

Step three: When your Ship and Landing zone are alligned correctly, kill all forward velocity and orient the front of your landing craft away from the planet or 'right side up'.

Step four: Control your vertical velocity as you descend and land as you normally would in any other scenario, except you're moving straight down.

Step Five: You should be incredibly close to your desired landing point, enjoy!

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I'd prefer to go in a high orbit so I have more time to slow down. (Often 1 or 2 nuclear engines)

Then I should be falling almost straight down. By slowing my decent any left over side movement will also decrease especially when I use the nav ball to check on any movement in undesired directions and cancel them out.

I frequently press the 'm' key to see my predicted landing point and too look at the scenery :)

Until I get close to the ground where I will be checking for shadows or my light beams to estimate distance to the ground for my final part in tha landing.

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