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Get your headings right

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You launch your rocket, it goes up, all is well. Then comes the time to 'turn', generally to 090 or 270, to obtain an orbit. I am horrible at getting my rockets to lean just right, there\'s always plenty of roll that sends me totally off-course. Any tips or advice?

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I\'m trying to reach the Mun with stock parts, so my current layout is -




Liquid Fuel

Gimballing Engine

3 radial decouplers with 3 winglets



2 RCS fuels

5 RCS thrusters


3x3 liquid fuel and gimballing engines

3 radial decouplers with SRBs attached, then tricouplers attached, then 3x3 liquid fuel with non-gimballing engines

3 decouplers

3x3 liquid fuel and gimballing engines

It\'s not exactly short, but yeah, when it\'s all tied together with support struts, it does the job. My main issue is that I screw up entering orbit so badly that I waste a lot of fuel and end up without enough for braking burns when I reach the Mun, then have to eat into lander fuel, still screw it up because I\'m worried about having enough fuel to get back, and end up splattered on the Munar surface.

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