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Mini-Challenge: Shooting to the Monolith

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I had quite a bit of fun doing this, so I thought I'd share my fun with the Challenge board.


There's a monolith about 2.2KM from the launchpad, and Jebediah decided it was time to go get an up-close-and-personal look at it. He really seemed to like it, and now he's proposed that they make a sport of it: see who can launch the closest to the monolith!


Pretty basic: you have to use the provided save and try to best Jeb's landing. The cannon he used is provided, or you can devise your own. If you do make your own, the capsule once fired off can't use any form of propulsion besides Sepratrons (or other SRB types if you're feeling crazy), and they have to land there in under 1 minute and still alive. Your score is how close you are to the monolith, so the lower the better. Jeb's planted a flag on the monument now, so your score is how far you land from the flag. Submit a screenshot showing your distance to the flag (target it to get it to show up) with the timer shown so I can see you made it in under 1 minute.

Good luck!

EDIT: The provided cannon is a little tricky, so here's some tips. First off, you have to switch vessels after firing to control the capsule. Second, the Sepratrons are bound to 1, and the parachute to 2. Hope that helps!


jebbe: 3.0m

Scarecrow88: 17.3m

Jebediah: 24.4m

Edited by SkyRender
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You're a lot closer than 50m. My attempt looks to be a little closer than yours, though I landed on the opposite side of the monolith and am only 40.5m from Jeb's attempt, so he is probably only 21 or 22m away.


Timer shows more than a minute, but most of that was working out what angle to take the screenshot from. Design used was as supplied in the save file.

ETA: I drove a rover out and parked it under the obelisk. The distances shown are now measured from the rover, putting your benchmark at 24.3m and my attempt at 17.3m. If you put a rover or, as Jeb is already there, possibly plant a flag under the obelisk in your save file, people will be able to use that to measure their own attempts.


Edited by Scarecrow88
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