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How Do You Get MapSat to Work With .21?


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I heard that mapsat is compatible with .21.

So I tryed to launch a satellite onto orbit...

M game froze every 5 seconds for a split second, unplayable pretty much.

I can confirm its the Sat because once I removed the part, I didnt have that problem anymore.

Also, I don't have the icon to open mapsat on my screen.

So, is it just completely incompatible or is there a fix or a user-made version that fixes this???

I found no dev made update to the mod, so im just assuming there isn't a dev made one.

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There's a couple versions available, I prefer the Devbuild version you can find here. There's also a version from the Spaceport. I had some weird issues first installing the game as well, but if you install the Devbuild version, just copy everything starting at the folder "Innewerants Space Agency" and copy that into your "GameData" folder. It should work better for you now.

Also, this mod is a CPU and GPU hog, if you have the map view open for ISAMapsat, you will notice a dramatic decrease in performance. Simply closing the window will help speed things up tremendously. Only open the ISAMap when you need to use it.

Edited by Jean Deaux
Corrected link to Dev Build
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Be sure to deactivate the scan/raw options of MapSat until you're in orbit. At ground level it makes you lag like hell. When you reach orbit activate them and it'll start mapping. Dev versión lets you adjust the definition of the scan in the Kerbalpedia settings, lower the number on top to get a smoother experience... and a worse mapping :D

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