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Dialog boxes not showing on MAC?

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I have downloaded the demo from Steam, and when i open up the game some of the dialog boxes has no text.

I really like the game, and i wanna get the full version, but I don't want to end up with the same problem.

Can i do anything to fix this in the demo?

and what about the full version?

I have searched everywhere, and nothing has turned up so far.

Exept a post on this forum, that I cannot read because I'm new to the forum apparently?

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I'm another Mac user and have seen some weird things, but that's not one of them (outside of trying to use mods). So I have a few questions/requests for you.

First: What version of MacOS are you using (listed in 'About This Mac' on the Apple menu)? I've heard of others trying to run KSP on an older OS-X that doesn't support things the Unity engine needs. I /think/ Snow Leopard is supported, but I know Lion and Mountain Lion are. (Check the requirements on the Steam page.)

Second: Can you get a screen print of the dialog boxes with missing text? ⌘ + Shift + 3 will save an OS-X screenshot to the desktop (unless you've changed the default screenshot folder). ⌘ + Shift + 4 will let you take a screenshot of just the part of the screen you highlight. Upload the screenshot to imgur or similar and post it here.

Finally: Failing all else, try downloading the demo from kerbalspaceprogram.com and running that instead. I've had issues with downloading demos from Steam before for cross-platform games. It usually trys to give me some other version (though I'm guessing that's not your case since it runs).

I've played both the demo and the full game on OS-X (Mountain Lion), and I've only really ever had issues with an occasional mod or plugin that for whatever reason doesn't like my system.

Also: I suspect this post probably belongs in the Support and Bugs section, so don't be surprised if a mod moves it for you. ;)

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