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The Rescue


Do you want me to continue this story  

  1. 1. Do you want me to continue this story

    • Yes, please do continue the story
    • Yeah continue it if you want
    • Well, I will leave it up to you
    • No, focus on whatever story you are doing next
    • No, do not continue this story

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Chapter 14: His secret revealed.

"System Check,oxium levels at 99.7%, electric charge at 99%." Kaos radioed to Tay, who is the kerbal in charge of his EVA.

"Understood, opening the airlock now. Stay safe out there." Tay replied.

"I will Tay, Eeloo looks beautiful from here; I wish we could stay longer to study it." Kaos answered wistfully, tearing his gaze from the barren wastelands of Eeloo passing by behind his ship.

"The crew compartments look good, moving to the next section of the ship." Kaos transmitted before thumbing the controls of his EVA pack.

"Understood." was Tay's reply, letting the silence of space fill in the gap

"Alright, I am at the storage section, it's looking good as well. How long have I been out here by now?" Kaos inquired.

"You have been out there for about a half an hour, requesting a status update." Tay replied.

"Wow, it didn't feel that long. Oxium levels are at 97% and the electric charge is at 89%, before you panic about the oxium usage please let me explain. As part of the process that made me the way I am, I received some 'enhancements' to help me preform the jobs that my benefactors wanted me to do. One of the benefits of this process was increased metabolism and a more efficient respiratory system. Another was decreased reaction times and being more resilient." Kaos replied and then added bitterly.

"The scientist in charge of the program bragged that I was the perfect Kerbal. Enhanced in every way to 'superkerbal' levels, that is everything except one. I would rather not talk about my past unless the situation demands it!"

"I understand Kaos, you were doing what you thought would protect your ship and its crew the best. How does it look out there?" Tay gently replied, the concern evident in her voice as she tried to pull Kaos from his past

"It's looks good out here, and Tay? thanks. I am heading to survey the rest of the ship now. I will contact you if anything is wrong or I am done examining the ship." Kaos gratefully replied. An hour and a half later, Kaos reopened the channel between him and the ship.

"Alright the ship looks fine, I am heading to the nearest airlock now. EVA suit status update, oxium levels are at 88.9%, electric charge levels are at 54%"

Edited by team.leit
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  • 5 months later...

Hey readers, sorry for not being here for so long but I am posting to say that I am most likely not gonna finish this story. I have lost track of where I was going with it and thus am not going to try and force myself to write.


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