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What planet scares you the most?


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I recently want to Gilly... HATED IT. Orbital speed of under 20 km/s @ 15000 so it takes forever to land, and gravity so low that I am not sure I am actually landed when my altimeter reads 0. Almost tipped it over just by EVAing.


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Ike Willing to eat your ships the dark blackened terrain makes you feel a need to leave get the science plant flag leave

I think if Ike and Duna had voices this is what they'd say

Duna: Hey Ike i found a ship!


Duna: want to have it for dinner

Ike: YES!!!!! :>

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I recently want to Gilly... HATED IT. Orbital speed of under 20 km/s @ 15000 so it takes forever to land, and gravity so low that I am not sure I am actually landed when my altimeter reads 0. Almost tipped it over just by EVAing.


I... THINK... HOPE... you meant M/S. I don't think I've ever gotten anything up to 20kps outside of moho's orbit. More on-topic, I agree. Next time, I'd suggest you just jetpack down to the asteroid. (cuz that's what it is, really)

Duna: Hey Ike i found a ship!


Duna: want to have it for dinner

Ike: YES!!!!! :>

Oh my gosh... That's hilarious.

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I hate eve. When i tried to make a landing there, Bob and Bill remained <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">stranded</span> permanently settled here. Took me about 8 hours of playing and four rescue missions to get them back. I needed to make a refueling orbital station here.

Now, when i downloaded the kethane mod, eve is my biggest mining colony, since i didn't get to Jool yet.

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Probably Vall. The icy surface and small sun seems to echo the dust of fallen civilizations, especially when you're looking at the stonehenge.

I once went there in a probe lander. So lonely, distant, and eerie. I swear I heard a Kraken moan :0.0: I didn't see vallhenge, however. (I was around the equator zone of vall, vallhenge is in the southern hemisphere)

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Jool. I actually have yet to go there, but based on the videos I've seen it's the Charybdis to the Kraken's Scylla. Waiting there hungrily in space to suck in and obliterize my poor Kerbals with it's physics-bending gravity well and goopy "surface". In fact I think Jool is just a huge ball of Kraken flesh.

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Ike Willing to eat your ships the dark blackened terrain makes you feel a need to leave get the science plant flag leave

I think if Ike and Duna had voices this is what they'd say

Duna: Hey Ike i found a ship!


Duna: want to have it for dinner

Ike: YES!!!!! :>

You can never know. Maybe Duna wants to have a massive colony on it's surface but Ike won't let it happen, because it thinks they threaten Duna. :P


She's a big, violet man kerbal-eating monster.

And with that atmosphere, she's kind of a crazy chick.

Maybe, behind Eve's frightening outer self, she may be nice and just have had a bad past or something. Like me.

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1. the game challenges you to return from distant lands with knowledge to try to leave it

2. more kerbels die take off/ landing here then any other planet combined( in theory )

3. why else would i be trying to get off it

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Moho for sure. Any celestial body is lovable for me, stepping on other worlds is an amazing thought, but that desolated little piece of reddish rock being continuasly blasted by solar radiation just keeps screaming at me "I am gonna **** you up". Ironically, it's also my favourite planet. It's a love-hate relationship.

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