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hello! just asking a sytem spec question...


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hello guys! i have finally decided to join this fine and grand community and make amazing spaceships that will last till the end of time!

but first, a question... i am going to make a custom built computer, bout $1600 or so, and i would like to know how good it will run ksp.

this is the link to the build in question: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/1LIMt

thanks in advance!:cool:

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Welcome to the community!

The engine which KSP uses, uses only one core on the processor(and it doesn't really use the GPU much).

Also, why 2'5 inch drives if you can have 3'5(the default size)

The processor is cheap, but the videocard not. I suggest you to buy a better processor, and a less better video card so you get the same price.

So, with the setup now... not what you would expect.

If you buy a better processor and a less better video card, it will run perfectly.:)

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For KSP, the system will be just idling. The bottleneck is when lots of parts have to have the physics calculated which is a game issue at present. Your system will be best at graphic intensive FPS games specifically designed for gaming computers.

Beyond that, the two advantages of custom built systems is 1. getting items that fit your specs, and 2. no crapware to deal with that gums up the operating system wasting CPU time and memory.

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It is always a good idea to go very big on a PSU, it makes it easier for future upgrades, and the PSU doesnt have to run at full power all the time, which means it will last longer. As for your setup, what type of games do you play? If only KSP you can use your IPad for that :P

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