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Transferring at non optimal launch windows

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You probably want to have a look at http://alexmoon.github.io/ksp/

For non-optimal launch windows, you need a transfer orbit that extends further out than the outer planet's orbit and/or further in than the inner planet's orbit, in order to get an intercept with either much less or much more than 180 degrees angle of the transfer orbit.

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I use a reverse bi-elliptic transfer through low Sol orbit. That is, slow down till the ship drops closer to the Sun, then pick a point to accelerate from (since you go around the Sun pretty fast, you get at almost any angle), and look for the intersect with the maneuver nodes.

The rules are the same as with regular ship rendezvous. Go lower to catch up, go higher to fall back. It just takes more delta-V on the interplanetary scale.

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I have gotten pretty good at burning to get other planets when the phase angle is optimal. What I want to know is how to figure out how to get to any planet at any phase angle.

The question is: are you willing to wait a few orbits till the planet aligns with your trajectory (may actually take longer than waiting for launch window) or do you want to get the intercept as soon as possible regardless of delta-v spent?

Are you going for manual orbit adjustments, or are you ok with using tools?

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The question is: are you willing to wait a few orbits till the planet aligns with your trajectory (may actually take longer than waiting for launch window) or do you want to get the intercept as soon as possible regardless of delta-v spent?

Are you going for manual orbit adjustments, or are you ok with using tools?

I' m trying to do almost the entire space program with minimal time warp (using Kerbal alarm clock) so I can wait as many orbits as necessary, so long as it is an unmanned flight, I just want to know If I can transfer immediately regardless of phase angle or delta V. as for tools I'm adjusting manually while using KER for numbers.

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