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LET'S GO HOME - A New Kerbal Series


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No, it is not just slides and text, that's the intro. If for some reason you want to skip the awesome intro I made, skip to about 4:30 for the real stuff.

Inspired by Macey Dean.

Isn't it awesome?

I have multiple voice actors for it, so it's not like it's just one person slowly narrating in the background... In fact there is no narrator. It's just the crew talking. And it's Kerbal so I had to throw some random stuff. You'll know what I mean when you hear a howling monkey. But I mean the Mothership is a beautiful, that thing is the best ship I have ever created. Even for it's massive size, it's controlling is smooth as can be. I mean the beta cruiser is amazing too, but your going to see a big flaw in it next episode :P

So what do you think?

This series is definitely going to be continued. I loved making this video, even though it took a really really long time as to what I normally make. But it was so worth it.


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