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.22 Version numbers in vids


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I, like everyone else here, am watching .22 vids looking for hints on undisclosed features. I've been paying close attention to the version numbers used by Squad's media team. Hopefully this will help us determine what is happening. (I'd rather squad actually speak to us directly but this is what we have to work with). When we see the release numbers on vids stabilize, or begin to mirror x-numbers from past releases, then bugs are few and far between and the version is almost ready for release. Jumps in version numbers points to ongoing bugsquashing. These are the versions I have found. Please post any/all versions you find and I'll add them to the list.

Latest Version Seen: October 14th " x1"

October 13th " x1"

October 13th " x1"

October 13th " x1"

October 12th " x1"

October 13th " x1"

(probably recorded on the 12th)

October 13th " x1"

(probably recorded on the 12th)


Anyone know which version was used in the streams?

Why is nobody leaving kerbin's soi in these vids? Is there something new on the map view?

Can anyone see changes between these versions, particularly in regards to the tech tree? Are parts being moved between nodes?

mOds node that I am not predicting specific release dates, just studying squad's version numbers to get a sense of how development of .22 is going.

Edited by Sandworm
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Spootyman did a Duna and Ike flyby in his 0.22 stream. Sorry to dissapoint :)

and the guy before him went to gilly and eve.

The flavor text for those places was mostly the same generic response. The Mun and Kerbin have the most interesting flavor text as they are the only bodies with biome maps so far.

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and the guy before him went to gilly and eve.

The flavor text for those places was mostly the same generic response. The Mun and Kerbin have the most interesting flavor text as they are the only bodies with biome maps so far.

So far, that's correct. From what I have heard, Duna and Eve are slated to be next, and Lathe. Those three are, from what I have heard, the next to come out and might come out as a .22 hotfix patch of with .23. So far, none of this is confirmed though.

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OK, why has this video suddenly been made private?

Was it unauthorized? I and several hundred other people watched it. I came back to it a couple time looking for differences between the version numbers. It was the latest version I could find. Do those on the media team really have to get permission for each and every vid?

Edited by Sandworm
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OK, why has this video been made private?

Was it unauthorized? I and several hundred other people watched it. I came back to it a couple time looking for differences between the version numbers. It was the latest version I could find. Do those on the media team really have to get permission for each and every vid?

I haven't seen the video but it may just be a bug report video. Maybe it's a media video that is awaiting approval like you said. I'm sure the user wants to play it safe and check with Squad first.

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Actually, if I remember correctly it was just another "this is .22" review and the commentator did mention something about not being sure he had permission. He may even have expressed worry that his boss might get mad should he be overstepping. If that was the case, I'd like to know so I/we can send him some support.

This could be very telling of the relationship between KSP and the media team. I thought they were reviewers, but if they have to get each vid approved by KSP they loose all integrity. Agreeing not to reveal secrets is one thing, giving a game studio editorial control over your "review" of their product is another. It's the difference between journalism and cheerleading.

Edited by Sandworm
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If the product is a pre-release then I don't see a problem with Squad clearing every video. A post-release video shouldn't require review but if something isn't public then you bet the producers are going to want to clear it first.

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X1 means it is still in the first experimental stage. It usually gets released between x5 and x10

That was before we had build numbers. Now, we usually just set the x1 to show it's in experimentals, and keep track of versions using the build IDs, which are far more reliable.

As for the videos requiring clearance, we don't base our approvals on editorial content, we're just looking for content that could lead to misinformation, since those builds are pre-release. For instance, if a video shows a game-breaking bug that we fix by the time of release, or it shows a feature that we later end up changing, then the preview is inaccurate by the time the release is out, and whoever watches the video will get the wrong impression. That's usually the sort of thing we're after.

As for the original questions, the media group was given access to the experimentals deployment channel, which is why you see different version numbers on each video. Based on that range of numbers, they're all pretty close, as in not more than a few days apart, but then again, we did do some major tweaking during these days, so it's entirely likely you could see a few differences in bits here and there from video to video.... hence it being called a 'pre-view'. ;)


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