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Are old save files compatible with 0.22...?

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Mine seems fine, but the issue is that any craft that were landed on another world with lowered landing gear....their landing gear is randomly loaded UP upon first load in 0.22, so the ship just falls over.... :(

yes, that is the problem I encountered as well (due to new landing land suspension)

the new radio dish works fine too

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Sorry for the double-post, but just to update my fellow Kerbalnauts, you CAN save your ships that have the landing gear bug by using the Debug Menu to turn gravity off, lower the landing gear again, and then re-enabling gravity! I just saved 6 of my 9 ships that way....not perfect, but the three that I lost were not "active" vessels, but "Memorials" I had set up to specific missions in my personal space program using the original ships from the missions, themselves....unfortunate, but better than nothing! :)

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