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I know you are all presently playing the new update, and I'm sure this will usher in a new time of great challenges. But before that day comes which once again divides us into the mods, and mod-nots, we must come together for SCIENCE and share our discoveries! I have been to the Mun, and it was made of dirt!

I made my first career landing on the Mun, which I hope everyone is feeling as good about. I thought I had enough fuel to to get back, but upon starting my return, I realized I had at best not enough. I had taken a soil sample, an EVA report, a goo reading and though it could always be broadcast, I couldn't let Jebidiah spend forever wasting away in a tiny capsule in space. Then I rememberedâ€â€I always outfit my rockets with contingency boosters! They are typically used if something goes wrong on the pad, but I've always left them available in the event of an emergency, and today ... that planning paid off.


Squad, there will be complaints, there will be need for balancing but anyone who says this is not awesome is dead inside!

Edited by Hyomoto
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