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Why start career mode with a manned pod rather than a probe?

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Of course the simple answer to that is to rescale the amount of science needed to progress in the early stages - get a tiny bit of science to launch a probe, then orbit a probe, and that gets you enough to get a command pod.

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Seems logical to me. Probes need power communication and can't do things on their own. If you have a man up there he can act on his own and only needs food water and air. He can operate without commands and like they say, No unmanned drone will ever beat a pilots reaction to danger.

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First, probes stink that early in the tech tree. Since they all draw power at all times, you basically don't get any farther than getting into orbit before it becomes an inert craft, and that's just plain hostile to new players.

Second, the little green men screaming/laughing maniacally is one of the things that gets new players hooked on the game.

My opinion? Leave it the way it is for the new players, and experienced players can mod the tree any way they want.

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To quote Squad's reasoning:

  Maxmaps said:
The tech tree both emulates KSP development (long time fans may recognize the parts available from the starter node) and serves to give players a more structured learning experienced. While probes at the beginning would have been more historically accurate from a sentient primate-centric point of view, throwing the more power consuming and less torque capable parts at our new players right away is less than ideal.

Plus we kinda want to introduce everyone to Jeb right away, he's quite the extrovert.

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In my opinion, the Kerbals space program should be like our space program. We did not started with probes because they didn't existed when we started to explore space. It should be the same for Kerbals. At first, they have electricity, but no mean to really generate it except from the engine. Then, later on, they develop computers aka probe that can fly the craft without any kerbals on board.

Edited by Moustachauve
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I agree, I think that you should start with both the mk1 pod & the sputnik (or whatever its called) probe. But I don't think this is a big deal, and this is Kerbal, not earth, so they do things differently, and if you think back, at the very beginning, there was the old manned pod. (3 kerbals in a tight sardine can, wow how far we've come.)

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  astropapi1 said:
Man, just give us a thermometer and a barometer with the probes. I'm getting kinda tired of this "lol they kerbals they don't care" thing.

I'm pretty sure it'd be easier to make a one man pod rather than a fully-functioning probe which can do everything.

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  Oddible said:
Seems rather unusual. Starting career mode with a probe seems more rational as new rocket scientists are going to have a lot of casualties before they figure out what's going on.

Because right now this mode is more a proof of concept rather than a thought-trough feature.

People often seem to forget that KSP is still an alpha version, due to its fantastic quality and like no crashes ever (software, not ship...).

Alpha = implementing features (you are HERE!)

Beta = polishing features

Gold = final release

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  Moustachauve said:
In my opinion, the KSP is like our : did we started with probe? no


Anyway, manned pods should come first. Otherwise there's no reason to ever put a kerbal in danger at all. It feels pointless that way. I want to have to work to make sure that no more kerbals have to risk their lives for the program, not have it handed to me on a silver platter.

Although it's fairly easy to make sure kerbals don't die even without probe cores, there is still some risk.

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  Moustachauve said:
In my opinion, the KSP is like our : did we started with probe? no, because they didn't existed. Same goes for Kerbals. At first, they have electricity, but no mean to really generate it except from the engine. Then, later on, they develop computers aka probe that can fly the craft without any kerbals on board.

Where were you in history class?

The first man made object in orbit is Sputnik 2, and that wasn't manned, was it?

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