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Repurpose Inline Advanced Stabilizer as Science Part

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With the changes in the 0.21.1 update the Inline Advanced Stabilizer became essentially useless, it's just a heavier version of the inline reaction wheel. 0.22 did nothing to change this, but it did repurpose the nose cone to be used as a science part.

Something similar should be done for the IAS. It could be used as an extra sample/experiment holder, a different, non-goo experiment, or something else entirely. Anything would be an improvement over it's current state, which seems to exist only for backwards compatibility.

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Data storage module for experiments would be nice, but the first thing I'd do is give an adaptation period. IAS needs a warning in its description before its current function can be just ripped away from the game. I'd keep the warning until v0.23, and then rebrand it or remove it.

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