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MoS MOCESR - Colonisation, Exploration and Scientific Research


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Ministry of Exploration, Colonisation and Scientific Research

[NOTE: The following thread is inspired by Cashen, but I have my own story, and my own style of writing, so it will differ significantly. In the pursuit of realism, I plan to add a few things to the existing Kerbal universe, with respect to what is currently known. I liked Cashens' use of mods as third-party rocket part company's, so I'll be taking that idea and copying it. I'd like to give credit to the amazing Mulbin, who created the MOECSR's flag on request. If I use anyones else's ideas or material, I will give credit where credit's due.]

Table of Contents:

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Guest Brody_Peffley
  Captain_Party said:
My new AAR, because I'm OCD, and 0.22 messedany things up. Watch this space.

If your going to start a new aar. Can you make a new save? It'll be fun to read kerbals going in space the first time.

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The Kritish Empire

After the end of the Krito-Koviet war, it was clear there was no way either side could win. They were both some of the most powerful nations on the planet, and they both had the infrastructure and money for an all out war, so it would be very hard for either of them to win. Then, some genius at the Ministry of Relations thought they could show their political superiority through non-violent projects, such as space travel. When it was announced that the Ministry of Exploration, Colonisation and Scientific Research was being founded, scientists from all over the empire came and offered their expertise. The ministry would be set up much like the military, with different branches working towards different goals. Their had been space faring endeavours before, but never as big as this, it would be the first fully established space agency on Kerbin, and would work to expand the Kerbals presence in space and find out more about the universe.

Project Churchill

Project Churchill would consist of all manned operations in space, and would concern itself, at first, with putting the first Kerbals in space, then establishing a permanent present in space. This would be the most highly funded and well staffed section of the ministry. It also received the largest amount of publicity.

Project Diana

Project Diana would consist of all unmanned operations in space, and would visit the planets, investigate the surface, and make sure its safe to land Kerbals on the surface. It would have less staff and funding than Project Churchill and less publicity, but definitely stole the attention of the scientific community.

There would also be a smaller, less publicised Project, Project Nelson, which would focus on a military presence in space. It wouldn't really be operational until after the first manned Lunar flights however.

The Hardware

The first launch vehicles would be designed by Project Diana's engineering division, and were called the Diana-series boosters. The engines, fuel tanks and other hardware would be developed by AIES Aerospace, NovaPunch, and KW Rocketry. Additional fairings would be provided by the Procedural Fairings company, ensuring all our crafts would be aerodynamic.

The Space Centre

As the Kritish Empire expanded across most of the globe, it was rather easy to establish a base of operations for the ministry. Construction budget was set at £3.3 billion, and no expense was spared on accommodation for the kerbonauts, and the engineering facility. It was christened the Kritish Space Centre, or KSC.


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Mission: Churchill I

Mission Outline:

  • First manned launch
  • First launch of Churchill Mk1 Spacecraft
  • Achieve first orbit of a manned ship.
  • Crew: Jebediah Kerman

Jebediah Kerman, the crazy test pilot was chosen as the pilot for the first manned launch. This would be a huge step forward in space exploration. Here we see the Churchill 1 on the pad, atop its

Diana 1 launch vehicle, with the empire's flag in the foreground.


Liftoff! First stage drops, and the ship carries on its journey, powering through the sky!


Now up in the very tenuous layers of the atmosphere, Jeb can see the curvature of Kerbin. "Bloody hell! I thought it was flat!" he exclaims.


Jebs last glimpse of the space centre, before he passes through the last part of the atmospheric barrier.


Jeb now becomes the first Kerbal in space. He unfolds the solar panels on the service module as he hums the national anthem.


Jebediah Kerman is now the first Kerbal to be launched into LKO. One huge step for science, the empire and the world!


Jeb executes the de-orbit burn after half an orbit, to ensure he doesn't land in enemy territory.


Jeb gets a birds eye view of the gorgeous Sabilan mountains, one of Callahans national treasures.


Parachutes deployed, the ground seems to be catching up to us pretty fast.


We have good deployment! Just look at that view...


Publicity shot for the press. The first Kerbal in space, Jeb likes the sound of that.



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Mission: Churchill II

Mission Outline:

  • Second Manned Launch
  • Acheive a Polar Orbit
  • Orbit 6 times, or a full Kerbin Day
  • Attempt Precision Landing at KSC
  • Crew: Bob Kerman


Bob Kerman is the pilot for Churchill II, and will be launched into a 75km polar orbit around Kerbin.

It will be the longest-duration flight attempted by the Ministry so far, and will last a full Kerbin day, or six orbits.


Churchill II on the pad. Launch at sunrise so we have the longest time in the sunlight.


First stage dropped, and all flight systems seem nominal.


Ooh! The Mun, and if you look closely, you can see Minmus as well... I tell you, the look

on Bobs face...


Close-up, A la Bob. This is probably the best picture the Ministries had so far.

This is one for the fridge, Bob.


"Orbit circularised. KSC, when is the optimal de-orbit window?" "7 hours and counting Bob,

six orbits and you'll be home, while you're up there, enjoy the sights" "Roger KSC"

[NOTE: Turns out my calculations were slightly off, and we ended up doing six and a half orbits]


With the de-orbit burn completed, the service module is decoupled.


Not much re-entry flame, I was a bit disappointed to say the least. But, looks like

we'll be on target.


Blast. Few kilometres shy of KSC, well, I do need to get better at precision landings...


Good deployment. Looks like another successful flight.


Splashdown! Bob Kerman, the second official kerbonaut.


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Mission: Beagle I

Mission Outline:

  • First flight of Beagle
  • First launch of Diana IIA booster
  • Achieve 85km orbit
  • De-orbit over Sabilan mountain range
  • Land on the dormant volcano Mt. Kragathea


So far, up until now, Project Churchill had been grabbing the attention of the press, with their manned launches and

brave, space-faring heroes. But before these 'Brave' [NOTE: Terrified] heroes can blast off to different worlds, there

has to be a small, un-exciting space probe sent first. Project Diana was developing a new, un-manned lander to

land on distant worlds, with or without atmosphere, called 'Beagle I' for its maiden test flight, they decided to land it

on a dormant volcano named 'Mt. Kragathea' the probe would boost up into a 85km orbit, with the new 'Diana IIA' booster,

execute a de-orbit burn with it's own engine, and land on the volcano to take measurements.


Beagle I, atop the brand new booster, 'Diana IIA'.


Liftoff! The boosters first stage is a NovaPunch 2m Bearcat and it's second stage is

a NovaPunch Orbital Bertha. Fuel tanks were provided by KW, and fairings by ProcFairings.


Gravity turn executed, and this Bearcat is impressing everyone at mission control!


First stage is dropped, and the Beagle I will continue on it's journey with the efficient Orbital Bertha.


We are past the atmosphere, and the fairings are dropped, you can now see Beagle I with it's full array

of scientific equipment.


Circularising... The engine on Beagle I will then execute the de-orbit burn when target is in position.


Detached from service module, and moving into position for de-orbit burn.


Executing de-orbit burn. As we came in on a very shallow and slow re-entry trajectory,

there was no re-entry effects.


Coming down on target. God lord, this game is beautiful.


Parachute deployed, this is actually not the Mk16, but a cfg. edited to make it into the Mk20, a small drogue

chute. I would love if someone could make an orange band on it, *wink wink nudge nudge*.


Rough landing, the legs came off, as did the engine. But overall, rather successful. I think the rough landing happened as I

was trying to see the power of the chute. Silly me :blush:. Nice view though...


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Mission: Robin I

Mission Outline:

  • Achieve 50 degree LKO
  • Open solar panels and comms antennae
  • Transmit Kan Allen Belt data back to KSC


In order to establish a permanent station in LKO, we need to study the strength of radiation in LKO. To study this, we need to send a radiation detector, Robin I, into LKO.

This will also be the final launch atop a Diana I booster, as it's being phased out by the new, improved, Diana IIA.


The Robin I atop it's Diana I booster.


Liftoff! The twin nozzles of the first stage motor give it very good TWR.


A look at Robin I, the payload, with the radiation detector mounted on top.


First stage dropped, the probe carries on it's journey into LKO.


The last few drops of fuel in the second stage...


Second stage dropped and fairings decoupled.


Detecting equipment and solar panels unfolded.


Orbit circularised under Robin I's own power.


Orbit is finalised. 85km orbit with 50-degree incline.


[NOTE: Todays instalment isn't much as I had a megaton of homework and suchlike to-do, but hopefully I'll

typing missions up a lot more, as I have term this week]

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A lot of changes going on guys, wouldn't say I'm starting again, but I'm getting rid of near future propulsion and KW, just destroys my frame rate. It'll be NovaPunch, KAS and Kethane from now on. Also been designing some launchers that'll be doing my lifting. I have big plans, and I'm thinking of planning it out like a real space program, with 10 days between a launch, as to not pollute too much. So... Watch this space!

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I have to stop this guys, I'm really sorry, but I have GCSE's coming up and I'll only be able to upload maybe once every 2-3 weeks. On top of that, Imgur has just deleted all the screenshots (100) that I was about to upload, (Don't ask how) so I need to do 7 missions all over again. So... Yeah.

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