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A design of rewarding sample return

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Currently the science points awarding design is a bit weird IMHO.

We can actually get some ideas from the Mission Controller plugin, remember the passive missions?

So the point is:

If we use comm antenna to transfer data back to the KSC, the logic can follow the current design. the reward of science point will be one-time, instant one, and can have diminishing returns also.

However if we successfully return the sample to Kerbin, we can design the logic so the R&D center will start to take some time to research the sample and gain science points over a period of time (like several kerbin days or a bit longer if the research content is very complex & profitable). We can even design a research queue so that if we don't have sufficient employees in R&D center, the research will have to be started one by one.

The rate of gaining science points will be slower than the comm-antenna way, but scientists can access the sample directly instead of just having limited on-board sensors to get limited data, they can use more sophisticated devices/equipment to check the sample and thus, much more science points will be gained at last.

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