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That's no moon... That's a Space Station - Atlas V

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Ta da! After creating the world's most outrageous craft, the Gaia XXX (as in 30 ;) ) I have gone onto another project, codenamed, Atlas V.

This is essentially a giant space station that orbits Kerbin. Currently, there are 14 brave Kerbals aboard the vessel!

Something interesting, is that I took one of the Kerbals that I landed on Minimus, and literally, used his jetpack to get to the space station. All without the use of the common instruments found on most ships! Including: SAS, Nav-Ball, and the Map-navigator-thing... you know what I'm talking about XD

Anyways, here are the pictures! https://www.dropbox.com/sh/f55pzbo4b2fe4qh/ekqDNky4u5

It comes with:

-An observatory

-Living Quarters

-Communications Station

-Power Station

-Research Facility

-Docking Area


-Refuel Depot!!!

I plan to add more as well! Suggestions are always appreciated. This took me a while to make. I think I rendezvoused about 6 times! For a noob like me, that's a lot :P

Hope you like it! :cool:

P.S. Sorry that the version is V0.21, the pictures are old :P

Edited by Elite-Blade 672
Noticed out-dated Pictures
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