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Too Much Delta V


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I've recently done a mission to go to Duna. I made a ship that I thought would be able to get into orbit, turns out I had a couple thousand extra delta V.

Keep in mind this was done before I had nuclear engines.

So here's my ship in orbit (along with part of the launch stage).


I got myself to Duna with just that launch stage, but abandoned it because I didn't have very much torque.


Just doing the aerobraking maneuver.


I thought, "Maybe I'll land on Ike, I've got plenty of fuel."


What the heck, may as well head off to Jool.


Laythe is looking pretty in the distance...


Final orbit, I ran out of fuel (except 3 liters)


I earned 3300 science points from one mission.


So, that proves that you don't need nuclear engines for interplanetary missions. :P

Edited by Deejay2000
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