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Pretty imaginative thinking. My only question is how does the command pod torque work? Does it still affect the craft as the same way as it would if it were on top?

On another note though.. Congrats on your .22 Mun landing! :D

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Man ..i must have been pretty tired last night ..i posted this in the completely wrong area.

MODs..could you move this post plz?

Does it still affect the craft as the same way as it would if it were on top?

On another note though.. Congrats on your .22 Mun landing!

Handled well..no difference really.

And thank you:)

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Huh. I never would have thought to work around the lack of ladders by putting the capsule on the bottom like that. That's what I love about these forums, always some outside-the-box thinking to inspire me here!

Of course, I'm pretty sure Mun's gravity is low enough that your kerbonaut's jet pack could get him back up to a capsule on the top. But this is indeed a safer option, as even if he runs out of fuel he can still get back in!

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